Chapter 28

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Sirzechs stood in front of Issei, "You saw that... didn't you..."

Nodding his head, Issei knew what Sirzechs was asking about. "It was pretty obvious... He wasn't supposed to win."

"I... I have one last step... one last thing to ask... one last way for me to save her..." Sirzechs, the Lucifer of the current Underworld, the King of the current Hell, kneeled in front of Issei. "Please... Come to her wedding and fight Riser to save her..."


New Secret Quest: Save Rias from her eternal torment

Reward: New Equipment

+++++ Reputation with Rias

+++ Reputation with Artemis

+++++ Reputation with Rias's peerage

Host will be given the choice of teleporting back home after the mission to avoid the huge crowd wanting to speak with him after the event.


What the fuck? The rewards for this mission were huge... why was he getting more reputation from Artemis? Unless...

"Is this marriage being streamed to the supernatural world?" The Lucifer nodded causing Issei to groan a little bit. He didn't have much of a choice with this since the rewards were crazy enough.

"Fine... I'll deal with him alone."

"Do you really think you would win?"

Issei simply smirked, "Nah, I'd win."

With that, time had passed to the point of the wedding. Rias was sitting down in her room outside of the wedding ceremony. With her was her mother and brother, who were greatly against the wedding but couldn't do anything besides watch for the sidelines in hopes a miracle could happen.

Venelana looked at her daughter's sobbing face and couldn't help but only hug her tightly into her chest. She didn't know what to do... seeing her daughter in so much pain... it had brought her own tears to roll down her face. "Don't cry... please don't cry..."

"Mom... I don't want to marry him... I don't want to... why couldn't I win?"

The two stayed in each other's comfort while Rias's brother watched from the side. He could only turn his head away in disgust in what was going to happen to his sister.

Rias was left with the only thought and wish she could have... 'Please... Issei... Help me.'

The moment she walked out with her family to the stage where Riser was seen standing, the door to the entrance exploded. "Sup mother fuckers!"

Through the smoke, everyone's eyes widened... Either in disbelief, anger, happiness, or confusion. Issei Hyoudou was standing in the middle of the doors...

"Guards! Seize the intruder!"

Upon Riser stating the order, the guards rushed towards Issei. Swinging their blades against him, they did nothing. Issei walked straight through the attempts to hurt him and continued walking. No one uttered a word upon seeing the scene in front of him.

"What is the meaning of this?" Riser's father demanded.

"You see... Your son here decided to cheat during the Rating Game." Behind the entire crowd came in the Lucifer. Standing on stage and demanding respect, Sirzechs stood between Rias and Riser.

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