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○○○ Chapter 27- Confession part 2 ○○○

"Ahhh i messed up, i messed up, i messed up, ahhh mummyyyy!!! Jen please helppp me!!" Jisoo chanted while crying on her phone asking Jennie for help.

"Now what can i do when you try to be brat and don't follow your teacher's advice." Jennie said being so done.

Jisoo who was throwing her hands and legs on her bed until she messed everything up even her hair and makeup got up and held her phone near her ear after retrieving it from speaker mode.

"Can you reverse the time? Ahhh please do something I'm becoming mad!! Plz do something to save me!! I know i shouldn't have confessed to him after kissing.  Yahhhhh why the hell i even kissed him!!!" It was looking like Jisoo was talking to herself on the phone.

And Jennie on the other side was already fed up, pissed off  and so done to do anything. All the love lessons got in vain because of her hurries.

Jennie told her, "Unnie love is like a fragile sapling, the more time you give it to grow, the more healthy it will be."

"Unnie sometimes you have to be a tortoise in love. The slower and steady it will go the more love, affection, and trust you will gain."

But as a rabbit, Jisoo did everything fastly and furiously that she even dared to bite him, confess to him, and kissed him..

The more you think of it, the more you will find it tangled.


Taehyung who was still trying to process all this hissed in pain and took out his handkerchief to lessen the pain on his lips.

"Are you seriously mad!!!" He burst, shrieking on his seat opening the seatbelt.

While jisoo gave the most innocent puppy look to him and shrugged nonchalantly, indirectly saying think whatever you want to think, i already did what i had to do.

"Ms. Kim, i think you should pay a visit to the doctor."

Here we go again. Again he said something that made her irk more.
Whenever he says 'ms.kim' it feels like he is "profession zoning" her.

She wants their relationship to be something more than from an employee and boss.

This time she grabbed his collar, fisting it tightly. After standing on knees on her seat, which made her bend over him to reach his collar level. It was Enough to scare Taehyung more. He is thinking she is possessed or (perhaps) needs medical attention.

"Can you please stop uttering the same thing again and again!! Or you want me to repeat what i did?" Jisoo gave him a little glare making herself look like an angry bunny.

Taehyung's eyes widened after noticing their position. He was pinned on the car's window while the other was grasping his collar over him really freak him out thinking that crazy girl might do something to him that next day he won't be able to show his face to this world.

He is worried for his dignity, because just a minute ago this girl stole his first kiss, who knows what nasty she will do now to this helpless man.

(A/n: Readers think of him as 'abala purush' / 'poor helpless innocent man')

There was silence and the male is not ready to utter a single word making jisoo more frustrated. She left his collar and swept off the wrinkles from his shirt not changing the position like it's really comfortable for her.

"Why don't you understand me? Why are you so oblivious, unknown with my emotions? Can't you see or can't you feel what i am trying to show you! I know you are keeping your eyes on me 24/7 in the office through a CCTV camera, still pretending like you don't know!!" Jisoo said in the softest way making tingling sensation in his stomach.

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