Chapter 34

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"Can I see your school ID, please?" The librarian asked with a hint of impatience in her tone.

I quietly reached inside my messenger bag to get it, but to my disappointment, it was not in the space where I usually keep it.

I frowned and quickly rummaged through my bag's contents for my ID, but I couldn't find it.

"Ma'am, if you don't have your school ID with you, I'm afraid I can't give you those booklets." The librarian said.

I stopped looking through my things for my ID and gave her a small smile.

"Can you just hold on to them for me? I'll be right back."

She rolled her eyes but nodded anyway.

I turned around and walked out of the library. My heart sank as I realized that my ID was missing. The most important lifeline I always have on me wherever I go.

The last time I remember seeing it was last night. It was in my back pocket, and I don't remember taking it out.

Also, the only reason why I even took it to the party with me was because we couldn't get past campus security without showing them our school ID first.

Oh God, I hope I didn't drop it somewhere at the frat house.

This fucking sucks!

I quickly pulled my phone out and started looking up on the internet on how to get a new ID done. My eyes widened in shock at the results.

"Ninety fucking dollars?!" I exclaimed out loud.

Are they serious? That's how much we have to pay in order to get a new ID done?

Jesus Christ.

I slipped my phone back in my pocket and sighed.

This won't do. I have to look for my ID or else I'm going to fail the test I'm supposed to be studying for tomorrow, but I can't do that because I need those booklets for studying.

The ones posted on the school website are not helpful enough, which is why I needed the actual studying materials from the library.

A sudden thought popped into my mind, and I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.


I guess my search will start there.


"You're back." Amir stated while his eyes were narrowed at me.

"I lost something, and I'm here to look for it."

I tried sidestepping him to enter their dorm room, but he instantly blocked me.

"It's not your virginity, that's for sure."

My jaw dropped at the audacity.

"What is wrong with you?"

He flashed me a tight-lipped smile.

"Everything. But in case you're wondering, we did not take advantage of you. You're neither our type."

I shook my head, pushed him aside, and ended the room.

"My school ID card is missing, and I think I dropped it somewhere around here."

"You think?" He replied sarcastically after closing the door.

"It was in my back pocket."

He rolled his eyes and moved towards the living room. I bit the side of my lip while quickly glancing around.

"He's not here, so knock yourself out." Amir said, and I looked at him again.

He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose before gesturing towards Adrian's room.

I walked towards the closed door and opened it. To my surprise, the room was all tidied up and clean, and the last time I remember, it was nothing but.

I didn't really get a chance to see what Adrian's room looked like. Now that I'm back here, I was finally seeing it for the first time again.

There was a huge poster plastered on the wall of some artists I've never heard of. Colognes and body sprays littered the top of the dresser standing from across his bed.

He seemed to like the color midnight blue so much because it's within the details. Like the color of his bed covers, the few accessories on top of the nightstand, the study lamp, and also the shoes on the floor.

I snapped myself out of the distracted mode and started looking under the bed first for my ID card.

"Eew." I scrunched my nose up in disgust when I saw Vaseline, a pair of socks, and a hockey stick under the bed.

I gingerly pushed the items aside to look around more carefully. But there weren't many things under here, and my ID card was not among them.

"Found what you're looking for?" A familiar voice asked from the doorway, and I quickly looked up.

Adrian stood leaning against the doorway, a white towel wrapped around his lower body, his hair still wet from the shower, and water dripping down all over his chest and abs.

I quickly pulled my eyes away and dusted my hands on my thighs before slowly standing up.

"I uh... lost my school ID somewhere around here, so I thought I'd come by and have a look around."

He barely raised his brow after hearing my explanation. He slowly strolled towards his dresser and turned his back towards me.

"Well, did you find it?" He asked coolly.

"No. I'm still looking."

He scoffed.

"I'd appreciate a little heads up next time if you're going to come over and turn my stuff all over the place, looking for a stupid ID card."

I immediately glared at his back.

"It's not stupid. I need it for school. Hell, we all do. But I'm not surprised you're taking this lightly."

He slowly turned around to face me and leaned back against the dresser.

"That's because I don't give a fuck. But what I do care about is my privacy, and I don't appreciate the fact that you just walked in here without telling me to look for something that you lost due to your clumsiness and stupidity from last night."

That's it. This is exactly why I can never like the guy.

One minute he's making me feel weak in the knees, and the next he's making me want to use the same knee to kick him in the balls.

"If you were so bothered by me, then why did you even help me last night? You could've just left me there to pass out at the party and let someone else help me."

A dark look immediately passed across his face, but it was quickly gone before I could understand what that was all about.

He pulled his arm away from his back and showed my ID that he was holding between his fingers.

"Drink responsibly," he said while glaring at me.

I walked over to him and snatched the card off his hand.

"That's my problem, not yours. So just stay out of my way."

"Only if you stop getting in mine." He snapped back.

I glared hard at him. Something in the back suddenly caught my eye, and I looked away and saw it was a neck gaiter.

A very familiar one.

Memories from that night suddenly filtered in through my brain, and my stomach dropped in realization.

I looked at him again. He was still staring at me with coldness in his eyes, and my heart started to race.

I scoffed while glancing at the neck gaiter again.

"So that was you?"

He frowned in confusion and finally followed my gaze. After seeing what I was looking at, he turned back to me with a smirk on his face.

"Took you long enough."

I shook my head while narrowing my eyes at him.

"I appreciate the help, but next time, let's just stay out of each other's way."

He remained quiet, and I turned around and started to leave.

"We'll see if you can really stay away from me."

I paused at the door and clenched my jaw.

That won't be a problem mister.

After what I just found out, I'll definitely be keeping my distance to process a few things and figure out how the hell it came to that.

I continued walking and left their dorm room without looking back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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