Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

~Layla's POV~

I was out on my daily hunt hunt when I stumbled upon Emily's house, again. Every time I'm out on my hunt for food I always find my way here. It's like something is telling me to come but I just ignore it and run back to the cave, but today was different.

I looked at the house and looked to see Emily cooking through the kitchen window. I was behind some bushes so she couldn't see and I just watched her. All of a sudden I see the boys and the girl that I saw the other time I was here.

That's when I smelled it again, they must be shape-shifters too.

"You guys are back early" I hear Emily say as she came out of the house.

"Nothing interesting happened today" A tall buff guy answered walking up to her and giving her a kiss on the lips. I smiled, 'they must be imprints' I thought.

"Well there is muffins on the table and dinner is almost ready." Emily answered as all the boys ran inside except for the girl, she was looking my way with confused eyes. She must of smelled me I thought. I slowly turned towards the woods and sprinted all the way to the cave. That was close, she could of seen me! I have to be more careful and stay away from Emily's house from now on!


~Leah's POV!!!~

"Leah you ok?" I hear Sam ask behind me.

"Y-yea I jut thought I smelled something" I answered turning around to look at them and walked to the house.

I entered the house and went straight into the kitchen to find all the muffins gone. I looked at the boys to see them all laughing and joking around.

"You guys finished all the muffins" I frowned, they turned around to look at me and smirked. I glared at them and saw my little brother Seth about to eat his muffin but I took it away from him and smirked.

"Hey that was mine!" Seth pouted.

"It's mine now" I answered with a mischievous smile and continued eating it.

*Skip Time*

"Leah, Jared, and Paul your on patrol tonight" I hear Sam command as he came into the living room with Emily. Me, Jared, and Paul groaned but walked out the door and ran into the woods where we phased.

'Ok I'll take west, Jared south, and Leah north got it?' Paul commanded through our mind-link as he looked at me and Jared.

'Ok' we both answered and took off.


'You guys find anything?' I hear Jared ask.

'Nope' Paul answers with a bored tone.


I was about to answer no as well but that's when I smelled that same smell I smelled back at Emily's place.

'I think I smell something' I finally answered.

'What is it?' I hear Paul ask but I didn't answer.

I looked towards the smell to find some blue eyes staring back at me, I growled.

'What's going on Leah?' Paul commands but I didn't answer again as I take off after the thing.I look closely to find it's a shape-shifter. A rouge!

'It's a rogue' I growled while running behind it.

'Hold on were on our way' Jared says.

'No time he's getting away' I say.

'Dammit Leah' Paul growls.

I jump on top of the rogue and we tumbled down a cliff. I get back up and growled at it. He growls back at me and charges.

I bite it's neck and he yelps in pain and throws me off. I growled and jump at it again but he's ready this time and bites my neck. I cried out in pain. He let's go and starts to run off. I quickly get up and howl. I chase after him and noticed he's heading towards the Cullen's territory.


~Layla's POV~

I kept on running not knowing where I was going, but not caring because I had to get out of there. But all of a sudden a silver grey wolf jumps out of nowhere and tackles me. I yelp in surprise but fight back. I bite it's shoulder while he bites my neck. He throws me off and I get back up to find the pack that I guess owns this territory. The black wolf growls and get's ready to attack me but before he could I ran towards the other direction

Up ahead I saw a river that separated to another territory. I didn't even think twice and jumped to the other side. I looked back to see all of them come to a stop and just looked at me. I growled and ran away.


I kept on running when I felt something hit me and throws me against a tree. I cried.

I looked up to see seven vampires, my eyes widened. I panicked.

"What are you doing in our territory I thought we had a deal!" I hear one of them say.

I just cried and lowered my head thinking it was over, they had found me. But as I looked closely to see the were not from Jason's coven.

"She's not from their pack, she's a rogue." I hear one of them say.

"She?" A girl asks confused.


A/N: Oh cliffhanger!!! Sorry I just had to do it! Anyways PLEAS give it a vote and comment!!!!! Hope you liked this chapter.


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