Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 

~Layla's POV~

"Well I would like stay and finish the movie but I am SO tired so see you guys in the morning." I say giving Caden a hug and Paul a kiss.


'Hmm something feels off' I thought. 

I decided to shrug it off and go to sleep. But it seemed that my sleep went away because I was wide awake and couldn't shrug off the feeling that something might happen tonight. I looked over and saw that it was already 1:00 am. Since I couldn't sleep I decided to go downstairs and get a cup of water. Maybe that would help me sleep. As I was walking downstairs I heard the packs voices.

'They're still here?'

I was going to ask why they were still here but then Paul said something that made me stop in my tracks.

"Ok so the plan i to sneak up on their coven and take down the leader first. The leader is the main priory."

'H-He lied to me...' I felt like crying but all that turned into rage and betrayal. 

"Ok let's move out' Sam commanded.

I quickly made my way up to my room and got changed in to comfortable clothes and went downstairs where I saw Emily sitting at the table looking down.

"You knew about this?" I ask. Emily snapped her head towards me with wide eyes.

"L-L-Layla w-what are y-you doing up?" 

"Why did you guys lie to me? I thought we were a pack? A pack never lies to a member." I say looking at her sadness clearly in my voice.

"Layla..." she says standing up and walking towards me but I step back. She looks at me tears forming in her eyes. I just shook my head and ran out the door and into the woods. I take off my clothes and shift. I start to follow their scents all the way to Jasons coven where I see them all fighting. I start to look for Paul or my brother.

'Caden where are you?' I call out to him

'Layla! What are you doing here?' I hear Paul ask in a worried tone.

'Where's my brother?' I growl

'L-Layla I-I know you're mad at me b-but let me explain, pleas' Paul says. I ignore him and continue to search for my brother. 

I look over to see my brother fighting. I was about to go to him but I am tackled by someone. I look up to see Jason!

"Good to see you again Layla" He smiles pinning me down so I'm not able to move. 


A/N: Hey guys hope you like this chapter! Pleas continue voting and commenting!!!!!! Get ready for the next chapter!

PS- Not all stories have a happy ending...(SPOILER!!!!!!!!)


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