Chapter 17: Interesting News

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A/N: Thanks for 1K reads! Love you guys! <3
Ps: Contains Swearing...

--Sakura's Pov--

I took a deep breath and waited for my test results. I picked up the box once more and it said it would take up to 15 minutes. I groaned. I can't wait that long to figure out if i'm fucking pregnant or not!

I slammed the box back down and took a seat on the toilet. I pulled my knees up to my face and sobbed.

What if Shikamaru doesn't want it?
We only did start having sex... I mean sure we've only been dating for like 3-4 months

Will he leave me?
We haven't even said I love you to each other yet!

Does he love me?
I love him, i'm just way to scared to tell him.. what if he doesn't love me back!?

I was lost in my thoughts about what is gonna happen if it shows up positive.. I did take three just to make sure but still what if they are all positive?


As I heard the little beeping noise come from one I jumped up and grabbed it, almost breaking it might I add..

Before I could read it the other two beeped. I grabbed them as well and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and read,


I dropped them and fell onto the floor.

"What am I supposed to do now!?" I sobbed into my knees. Wait... I know! 

I quickly took out my phone and dialed Naruto's number. After 3 rings he picks up,

"Hello? Sakura? Is that you?" I hear him say.

"Yeah it's me. Listen can you come to my house like ASAP! Please its major!" I told him trying to keep my voice from sounding like complete and utter shit.

"Sure.. have you been crying?" He asks concerned which makes me smile to know he cares.

"I will explain when you get here." I paused. "Also don't tell anyone you're coming over! Not even Shika or Sasuke, Okay?"

"Okay.. I'll be over in 10."

"Okay thanks, you're a lifesaver Naruto!" 

"I know.." He says cockily and hangs up. I roll my eyes and hang up as well. I got up and dusted myself off. I looked at the time on my phone. It was 12:04. My parents won't be home for a couple days so I guess I can practice what i'm going to tell them..

I sighed and picked up the tests off the floor and waited for Naruto to come.


"So what did you want to tell me?" He asks tilting his head. I grabbed him and hugged him. He sighed,  "Is it bad? Will you got to jail!?"

I laughed and shook my head.. "I-I'm pregnant.." I say and looked up at him. His eyes were wide but he smiled soon after.

"OH MY GOSH! I'MA BE AN UNCLE BITCHES!!!" He cheered like a total weirdo I laughed as he did a happy dance. "Wait did you tell Shikamaru yet!?" he asked and I shook my head. He pouted and sat on the ground. "Why not?" I sighed and sat next to him.

"I just found out and we've only like just started dating.. we haven't even said I love you yet.." He gasps.

"Me and Sasuke haven't said it to each other's faces but.. I'm going to when i see him later." He told me smiling. "Also if he leaves you I will break his face i-" I cut him off before he started to speak spanish like he usually does when he gets pissed. When I remove his hand, "Voy a rasgar sus miembros uno por uno . Voy a hacer que la experiencia más dolorosa que va a tener. El mejor amigo o no yo le asesinar !" He shouts.
[Translation: I will rip his limbs off one by one. I will make it the most painful experience he will ever have. Best Friend or not I will murder him!]

I rolled my eyes. We took spanish for about 4 years and for some odd reason he made it a habit to get pissy and only swear/talk in fucking spanish..

"Alrighty. I think i'm gonna tell him tonight. Thank you Naruto." I said hugging him. He smiled and hugged back,

"Anytime Sakura. Also Remember I will murder him if he rejects the baby!" He told me walking out the door. I smiled and waved goodbye as he walked down the street. I went back inside and texted Shika.

Sa: Hey wanna come over tonight? I have something I want to tell you :]

Sh: Sure I'll be over around 2:30.

I turned around and the clock on my wall said it was 1:45

Sa: Okay See you then.

I texted and shut my phone. I threw it on the coffee table and cuddled into the couch trying to find the words to use during the conversation i'm about to have with him.


A/N: Bet you didn't expect that! :D


~The Mafia Rainbow~

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