Chapter One

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"Mom!!!" I run down the wooden stairs almost falling. "Mommmm!!!!!" I find mom in the kitchen cooking dinner it smells like spaghetti. "What is it Adaline? Is something wrong?" Mom asks. "No..So you know how I have been asking to ride a horse?" I ask. "Mhm" mom says concerned. "So Whispering Creek in Vermont has a Riding Academy and they are charging only $1,000!For the whole summer plus another month! They also pay your flight there!" I say so exited. "Hunny that's a lot of money! Plus I thought you where going to spend the summer with Grandma and Grandpa?" Mom says kinda mad. "Well it could be my birthday gift for my birthday tomorrow...and you get your own horse and it is western riding and there is a show at the end of it! Also Grandma and Grandpa are boring we always do the same things over and over pizza on Monday and baking cookies..I'm 16 mom I want to ride again!"I say upset almost crying. "Adaline I'm sorry but I don't have the kind of money.." She says feeling sorry. "So we can afford a 4,000 square feet house but you can't do this for me,I never ask for anything!" I run back upstairs crying. I go into my room and lay on my bed and cry into my pillow my mom walks in acting mad and angry at the same time making me stressed out. "Adaline you know I love you and I mean I would love to do this for you but I'm sorry maybe if you save your money I'll let you go but for now it's a no.."She walks out of the room and I go to my computer and play video games to get the Riding Academy out of my head.
~~~~~Thirty minutes pass~~~~~
"Dinners done!" Mom screams so me and my dad hear.I turn off my computer and run down stairs and so does my dad and we all sit down at our small black wood table in our black wooden chairs with burgundy cushions.Dinner was very quite until dad asks "So are we going to talk about why Adaline looks upset?" Mom looks at him with anger because he brought it up. "Moms ruining my life" I get up and push my chair in "I'm not hungry,thanks for dinner" I go up to my bathroom and brush my teeth and go to my room I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling fan as it goes round and round.I tear roles down my cheek as I think about the horse I fell in love with...Hp.. A brown quarter horse who was only 12.I fall asleep from a minor migraine..
~~~~~Birthday Morning~~~~~
A loud creek wakes me from deep sleep,I scream because both my mom and dad are right in my face I'm completely freaked out because waking up scared is never fun! "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADALINE!!" My mom hands me a small bag that weighs less the a pound. I take the stuffing out and grab the 2 pieces of paper out I open the smaller one first,it's a plane ticket I open the other one saying "Can't wait to meet you Adaline from Whispering Creek Riding Academy ;)
"REALLY?!" I ask so exited Dad says being funny "No.." Mom smacks his arm and says laughing "Yes so you better pack we have to leave in 2 hours!" I get up and grab two suit cases and start throwing my clothes and blanket and pillow in and everything I need. I brush my teeth and put on my blue t-shirt and black comfy pants they looked as if they could be riding pants for English riders,I brush my brown long hair making sure I pack my brush  in my carry-on. I put my foundation on and blue eye shadow then put on mascara,I shove my black western boots on and grab my bag and two suit cases by the time I got down there it had been two hours I put my plane ticket in my bag so I don't lose it on the way to the Orlando airport.I drag one of my suit cases down the stairs as my dad takes the other one down to the taxi I go outside and hand the taxi driver my bag to put in the front and the suitcases in the back. I look over seeing dad look worried and mom about to cry I go over and hug mom and dad "I'm going to miss you so much!" Mom says bursting into tears "Miss if your going to make your flight we should leave" says the taxi driver politely. "Have fun kido" dad says giving me one more hug before I go,I get in the yellow taxi and role down the window waving goodbye "CALL ME EVERY NIGHT!!" Mom screams. I laugh as a roll up the window,I look out the window and look at all the pretty trees and little towns as we pass them it took about an hour to get to the airport.."How much further till we get to the airport?" I ask . The taxi driver laughs "The airport haha your going on a private jet" He points at the jet as we pull into where I board the jet. The jet looked like the sky with a brown horse head on the wing.There was steps up to the place where i sit and a man outside of it he looked like a pilot,as we got closer I could read what the paper in his hand said it said Adaline. The taxi driver parks the car right next to the pilot and then another man opens the taxi door for me to get out I grab my bag and head towards the pilot he asks are you Miss Adaline? He asks for my ticket "Yes sir I am" He gives me back my ticket and says "My name is Billy I will be your pilot for today"He gives me a smile he looks to be around forty or thirty he had brown hair and brown eyes that where so glossy and bright.He shows me the way up I look behind and see the taxi driver hand the man the suitcases and put them in the back of the jet.I go up the stairs and when I walk in the whole plane was a light tan almost white but not granny looking it was fancy there was two seats one that was a massage chair and a regular chair..a recliner! The pilot showed me everything and told me what to do if something goes wrong during the flight which doesn't ever happen he tells me. He also said I get a appetizer and lunch of choice as well as a drink and desert! The pilot leaves and I pick the massage chair and turn it on I ask for a menu acting rich and special the man gave me a menu and I read it and everything sounded so good! I picked fried pickles with the special sauce and for my lunch I picked thin crust pepperoni mini pizza and for drink a dr pepper. He shook his head writing all of it down "Any desert miss?" He asks. "Oh yes please.. I will have the double chocolate cake with Hershey kisses on them thank you!" I close the menu and hand it to him "Your food will be out shortly" He says nicely. I look on both sides of the jet and both of the seats has windows! I open the blinds as we go up in the air. The man comes out with my fried pickles and drink "Thank you!" I smile I stuff my face with them and it's so good! They tasted so fresh and the sauce made it even better.After I scarf all of them down the nice man brings my thin crust mini pizza over. I take one bit and I about fell out of my chair how good it was.. It was so cheesy and freshly hot but not to hot that I was burning my mouth but an enjoyable temperature.After I eat the mini thin crust pizza the nice man takes my plate away and brings my cake out he was surprised that I wasn't full but didn't say anything being polite. After I finished all my food we where already landing! The landing didn't take that long because by the time I noticed we where already stopped the pilot stood up and then walks towards me "I hope you enjoyed your flight I'll see you in a couple months!" The pilot says sweetly "I thank the pilot and the man for everything and walk down the stairs with my backpack on my back.A pretty black limo with a horse on it and on the door it says "Whispering Creek Riding Academy" I about jump out of my pants how happy I was the nice driver puts my suitcases in the back and opens my door. He gets in the drivers seat and I ask "How far is it?" About 15 minutes miss there is refreshments back there as well as a radio" he roles up a black glass window blocking the front and back and I blair the radio on my favorite song "Like I'm going to lose you by Meghan Trainor".

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