Chapter Two

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"Miss Adaline we have arrived at Whispering Creek riding academy " The limo driver says while rolling down the black window between us. I look out the window and see a huge barn and rooms it looks like above it.The land is so bright the grass was green the sky was blue with no clouds in the sky,in the paddocks there were huge random trees scattered around making the land look bigger and more beautiful! I look at the magazines that where sitting on the chair and there was a girl with blonde hair and freckles with light bright blue eyes with a black friesian horse that looked like he cost over a million dollars,He has dreamy eyes and a long curly mane. "Who's this?" I ask the limo driver. "That is Kate Delgóto and her horse Prince,Kate's mom and father own the place..don't let her eyes fool you she is evil but she is the best rider here. Her and Prince win the show every year!"
"Wow!!What do you do at the show here?" I ask so pleased and happy "Well reining and barrel racing and Kate and Prince win them both..I hope this year someone beats her and shows her that she can't always be a winner"The limo driver says with delight. "Maybe I could beat her and Prince! If I try really hard!" I say determined. The limo driver stops the car right in front of the barn,He opens his door and gets out and opens my door being very polite. I step out and the first breath was like heaven on earth,the smell was strong and beautiful it smelled like horses and flowers and the smells together made it so wonderful.The limo driver grabs my suitcase and tells me to follow him to my room. "So you do know you have a roommate right?" Asks the limo driver. "I do now.." We had to go through the barn to get to the rooms,As I walked through I saw many horse heads a couple white,Black,and brown! But the one that caught my eye was a black quarter horse that looked right at me,He neighs with delight when he sees me. "Up we go" the limo driver says carrying the suitcases up the stairs. We walk through a hall way with red walls and white flooring with no spots at all it was almost the color of snow,every room had a black and red table put to the side. "108,109,110 here we are Miss Adaline" He speaks with delight. I sigh being relieved that it wasn't all the way down the hall or at the front, The limo driver unlocks the door with a golden key with a black horse head key chain at the end of it,He opens the door and the room is so big it looked to be about 2000 square feet!! "Woah..." I say so happy and great full that I have a huge room..well me and my roommate. I'm really nervous about meeting her..I've always said something wrong or I'm too shy to even talk...that's why I have no friends back home but I do have one but we are online friends but we are as close as we could ever be. A girl walks out behind a corner she had blonde hair and blue eyes she was wearing a yellow t-shirt and ripped up jeans with some brown cowboy boots that looked a little worn out. "Hello Miss Christina! This is Adaline she will be your roommate" Says the limo driver. "Hi there Adaline! Let me show you around since I've found all the secret hiding spots"She giggles. The limo driver puts my suitcases by my bed and I set my backpack on the bed and follow Christina to the kitchen. "So this is obviously the kitchen but isn't it huge! You could fit an elephant in here!" Christina says with rosy cheeks. She shows me the bathroom and it had a rainfall shower!! "So do you know when we find out what horse we are riding" i ask being kind curious. "Oh they don't pick the horses pick you.Its pretty cool people that went last year get the same horse but the new people like you go to the small arena and all the horses line up and they have to go to you and then that's your horse! I find it the coolest thing you can even watch!" She says with enjoyment. Does Prince go there? "I wish but she won't let anyone touch him well..I mean she lets people groom and tack him up but other then that she won't." She tells me."What happens if none of the horses pick you?"I ask kind nervous. "It's never happened before but then I guess you walk up to them then..and choose."She says unsure. "You better head down to pick! I already have the horse of my dreams Midnight" she looks up with dreamy eyes."He is a black horse with brown eyes and two white socks he's a keeper for sure!!"
She heads toward the door and opens it then once we both walk out to the hall way she locks it and we head towards the stairs. We walk down the stairs and see Kate we both hurry down and make no eye contact with her."Christian?!" She says looking evil. We both turn around and the look on Christina's face made me even kinda scared. "I thought that was you! Are you going to tack my horse up this year"She says with an attitude. "No..but you can little miss princess.." I say giggling as we start walking away with delight Christina thanks me for saving her butt and we walk to the small area. The entrance was grand looking Christina walks away as I walk in and see a line of horses and the one I still have my eye on is that black quarter horse with blue eyes and a white stripe running down his face now that I could see his full body he had four white socks and looked even more beautiful! "Okay Adaline we are going to unhook all the horses and which ever one walks up to you is now yours nod your head if you understand." Says the young lady in charge of this. I nod my head like she told me to do,all of the men and women unhook the lead ropes from the halters they  all wonder around but the black horse walked right towards me with his head held high knowing what he was doing. He nudges me and gives me a big lick on my shirt making it soaking wet. "Meet your new horse..Spartan!" Says the young women. A young man hands me a lead rope and I hook it on and lead him to his stall to groom and tack up for my first lesson here! "Spartan huh.."

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