Chapter Twelve

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It was Saturday morning when the whole barn was talking very loud i run down stairs and find people around Spartan's stall, The Academy owner was there and even when i ran away he never came out but why was he by Spartan's Stall? " Whats going on?" I ask pushing through people. "Spartan...He uh...Kate is buying him...." says a random person that rides there. "What?! She can't do that!" I say to the Academy Owner . " I own him so...yeah i can..I will have a new horse for you and guess what ill let you pick it!" Says the Academy Owner.

Spartan was no longer mine..I would never get to ride him through the woods again. Tomorrow i would pick my new horse the Academy Owner said i can go to a rescue or a fancy place and pick my horse and he would buy him or her. But i knew i would have a hard time letting go that Spartan was no longer mine.. Liam offered to go with me but i thought this should be something i do on my own. I head out to a taxi and i knew if i was to get a horse it was going to be a rescue i didnt want to buy a horse that was fine i wanted a horse that has been through a lot.

The rescue place made me very sad seeing all these horses that where so scared and just wanting to be loved, I walked through all the stalls and every single one just made me want to cry. Then this palomino Quarter Horse grabbed my eyes, She was young about 7 years old stood 15 hands and looked lonely. "Her, i want her" I say the the rescue owner. The Academy Owner sent over a trailer and brought her to Whispering Creek. There was something about her that made her grab me like that was it her soft eyes or her nice furry coat? Either way she was mine and i wasnt letting Kate get her not like Spartan..

I knew that i would have to face Kate riding Spartan now but i didn't want to i would have to just let it go because no matter what i do i'm an ant and she is a giant. I would just have to make sure this horse was ready by the end of the month. But this horse wasnt touchable how am i suppose to make her a reiner. The trailer person goes to unload her but i stop him and say i want to do it and he let me i went in the trailer and grabbed the lead rope and started slowly backing her up, She did as i said it was like she didn't want to fail me. I lead her to her freshly made stall and take off the old tight halter that was on her and throw it away. I had bought a halter just for her a couple days ago it was a blue sparkley halter just for her. It was already 11pm when we finally settled her in everyone was in bed but i didnt want to sleep i wanted to stay with her and make sure she was okay its her first night here i can't just leave her all alone with no friends. I made a bed and fell asleep right by her door and she watched over me through the night.

I wake and she looked so ready to get out of her stall, it was 6 and no one was up and I had to work with her before the competition, I wanted to win and beat Kate because all she has done was ruin my life. Before practice I had to find a name for this horse.. She reminds me of a buttercup.. Buttercup perfect! "Come on Buttercup lets go have some fun" I smile grabbing her lead rope. She gives a a scared look and backs up. "I'm not going to hurt you" I say going in her stall petting her withers. I work my way up to her head and clip the lead rope heading to the big arena. I trot her around and walk over poles with her for about two hours. I grab the lung line and make her canter around till when I stopped she came in to me.It took about 3 times for her to finally get it. Once she did that I groomed her and practiced picking up her hoofs over and over again.  Already I loved this mare she just wants to please. After a couple of hours of work I finally grabbed a saddle and put it on her making sure it's tight before lunging her. She has had training but she needs to have a couple laps around to make sure she is sound to get on and practice riding with her.

I grabbed a Pereli  Hackamore and slipped it on then get on and walk her around,sadly she didn't know neck reining so about three hours later she was a neck reiner which was needed for being a Reiner.  She was amazing and all I wanted to do was give her a million hugs and kisses.

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