Chapter Fifteen

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Later that night my mom called me, she said " Buttercup can't come to us, But dad has agreed that we will move there. It's too much money to move her, so we will move to Vermont. Your father and I will be up there in two days so we all can look at houses."

When she told me this I was so exited! I wouldn't leave Liam and Buttercup..! I was so exited so I rushed out of my room and meet Liam in the barn to tell him the amazing news. "Liam!!" I scream. "Yes" Liam says laughing finishing up giving treats to all the horses.

I told Liam and he looks so exited, Me and Liam stayed up all night talking about plans and shows we can do together. He and Buttercup were the only ones I could talk to. Liam wondered why I wouldn't talk to my best friend. I guess she hadn't told anyone, I told him how I saw her making out with Derek.. This was before the show and no one was suppose to know. "You can't tell anyone Liam,promise?" I say. "I promise". He says.

Morning came and I had a plan to go riding with Liam, it was sunny and 80 out. Liam and I went to the lake in our swimsuits with our horses, we swam in the lake for hours. At first Buttercup hesitated to go in and snorted in fear but seeing Liam's horse go in, she went right behind him. We both rode bareback, when it became dusk, we raced back to the barn. Sadly it was a tie and I told Liam I would beat him next time.

********************************************I apologize, life has been hard. I have had made a big discussion on sending Buttercup to a trainer, it's not cheap it's $1,000's per month.. I have trained her, something always sets her back. I recently got dumped on a trail which that time I had to retrain her with the saddle. I have done all I can do for now, I will be very busy with work and being there with Buttercup to get lessons from the trainer. I will be working a lot since it's going to be costing a lot! I will try to update as much as I can!

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