Chapter Four

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I lock the door behind me and slide down the door and put my head between my knees in shame,Christina comes around the corner with a carrot in her hand. "Adaline what's wrong what happened was it Kate?!" She grabs a knife being funny. "No..Derek ran into me and knocked me down then Kate saw him helping me then they broke up I ran into the tack room he comes in and almost kissed me!" I say almost out of breath. "Woah hottie likes you huh? So what's the deal then? Why are you upset about this? It's great news!" She says confused. "Cause if we date Kate will ruin my life!" I say stressed out. "Give him a chance" she bits the carrot and finishes cooking dinner. "I'm makin pasta!" She says laughing as I get up and go to the kitchen. "After dinner you are going to go talk to him okay?" She says as she pours sauce in. I grab a bowl and put some pasta in it,I bring it to the table and eat it slowly not wanting to look like a slob. After dinner I go in the shower then put fresh clothes on a pretty black top with jeans and boots. I head down stairs to try to find Derek,I hear Spartan neighing for me so I walk over to his stall and give him a kiss and a hug. Someone taps my shoulder and makes me jump a little bit and I turn around and it's Derek "Are you stalking me?" I giggle. "Ha no I was looking for you I wanted to say sorry for.." He gets all rosy and embarrassed. I kiss him to try to make feel a little better "Is that what you were sorry about.." I say. "Yeah.." He grins,Spartan nudges me closer to him and we both laugh because he is such a goof. I turn to Derek and he is looking right at me "SO!This is who you dump me for?! Kate says looking very mad. "I left you because i never liked you! You started a rumor then we dated when I didn't even want to! I just found someone I did like!" Derek says looking happy but mad at the same time. "You're so lame Derek! Look at her then me who is more pretty!? ME I AM ME!" She says looking psycho. "You didn't let me answer.." He looks at her then me "Adaline.." He says with a soft voice. "You both are going to regret this! I'll get you both of you!!" She says while walking about mad but still sassy. I push Derek from his hold on me and look down "I'm sorry..look she was nothing to me..we may have just met but I feel like i already know you by one look.." He says grinning.He walks me back to my room and kisses me on the cheek.Christina was waiting at the door wanting full detail.So after we finished getting ready for bed I told her everything, "Wow her face must have been priceless!!" She giggles as we both start to fall asleep.

As the sun starts rising I was already up with my hair in a pony tail with a purple top and jeans and of course my riding boots. I pour myself cereal and scroll through my phone while eating,Christina comes out still rubbing her eyes "Morning sleepy head" I giggle "Did you even sleep?" She says while yawning. "Not really after last night" I say happily. "Well I'm going to get ready for the lesson today! This one is going to take up the whole day because we all are practicing Barrels and reining today!" Christina says with a big smile on her face. After me and her head down stairs we go straight to our horses. "Hey Spartan!" I pet is nose and smile. I go to the tack room and grab his grooming supplies, I go back to his stall and open it. I set the bucket down and grab the curry and start curing his body down. I put the curry away and brush off the dirt,I pat his neck and hug him tightly and give him a couple apples. After I pick out his hoofs and putting his tack on and I lead him to the barrel racing arena where someone will have to go first.. I meet up with Christina and we both wait for the instructor to pick the first person to go. "Alright lady's I am going to pick someone to trot the barrels then come back then canter and then Run! And first up is...Adaline!" The instructor says with delight. Oh first I hate being first, I put my foot in the stirrup and swing my leg over I put one hand on my leg and the other on the reins.I nudge Spartan and he trots around the barrels making sure we cut them close but not knocking them over,We cut the third barrel close but not knocking it over. "Okay now canter Adaline" I nudge him a little and he goes into a rocking horse canter, we go around the first barrel not cutting it as close but close enough. Around the second barrel we make a perfect sharp turn then the third one we nudge the barrel a little but it still stands tall. "Alright if you make this run over a 20 you may have a chance in the show.." I line up Spartan and get my hands ready for this run "Go!!" I nudge Spartan and we take off full speed I put my hand on the horn around the turns to make sure my body stays in position, I turn sharp around the second barrel then I race to the third one cutting it closer enough to make my time very good after I straighten back up Spartan goes full speed to the finish line. I slow him down as we got to the instructor to tell me my time. "Well you got.. 12.1!!!" The instructor said looking super happy. The look on Kate's face looked worried as if I was faster then her,Christina's mouth was still open and then Derek was in the stands watching me. I lean down and hug Spartans warm neck I pat his neck "Good boy Spartan good boy!" I say so proud of him. As we watch other people do it Christina says "I hope I do better this year,Midnight likes to rear after the last barrel cause he gets to exited but you know it's okay to be happy,He's a good boy and I love him. And I can tell you already love Spartan!" "Well yeah I do he's amazing at like everything!" I say with delight. "Christina! Your turn!" The in instructor says waiting. Christina clears trotting and cantering but the last barrel Midnight try's to rear but Christina makes him run to finish. "Nice job you made it at a 17.5!" I smile at Christina "Great job both of you!" Christina smiles happily "Yeah I guess if your on a pony.." Kate says glaring at me and Christina. "I think she did amazing lets see you go" I say glaring right back at her. "Kate your turn!" The instructor says. "I'm running this not trotting and cantering psh" she says backing up and lining up. "Kate! You could cripple Prince stop!!" The instructor says looking very worried. Kate takes off making every barrel at a 15.3 seconds. "Okay your done for today! I can't believe you would risk your horse for that!" She says looking really mad. Me and Christina try not to laugh at Kate for trying something so foolish,We all walk our horses to the indoor arena for our reining lesson but this time the instructor had a horse to show us what to do."This is buttercup and we will show you the immediate stop at a running speed but you guys will do it cantering for right now." She goes to the end of the arena and runs and almost to the end she and Buttercup slide kicking dirt in the air then they turn sharp and run to the other end stoping fast making the horses back legs slide. "Okay Holly you first,line up close to the wall and canter sit deep in the saddle,lean back and heels down!"Holly gets her brown horse into a canter she stops him and she ends up sliding over his head during the stop. "I told you heels down and lean back!" She helps Holly get up and back in the saddle. "Christina your turn" Christina gets Midnight into a canter and stops slides a little. "Great job Christina! Adaline your turn!" My heart races not knowing if I'll do okay,I nudge Spartan into a canter and sit deep getting ready for the stop I pull back a little and slide feeling accomplished. I trot over to the group and line back up "Great job Adaline" once the whole class did this it was time to run and stop. Kate walks into the stands watching the class preform since she couldn't. "Adaline you can do this,your first get lined up sit deep, lean back ,heels down!" I trot over to line up I close my eyes and imagine me running and stoping so perfectly. I nudge Spartan and he takes off but just before the stop Kate throws a rubber snack into the arena right in front of Spartan. Spartan rears and leans to far back during the rear and falls backwards making me fall right under him,I remember the instructor running towards me telling everyone to stay back then everything goes blurry and then black...

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