Chapter Fourteen

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Kate was so mad at me for winning that she was going to get back at me. I wasn't sure how but she was, And i feared that it was about Buttercup. I had worried about leaving her in Vermont and not close to me. I called my mom, "Hey mom i was wondering..Could i take Buttercup back with me i know a cute stable that's only $150 a month and i could help pay it off with the show money i won.." I asked nervously. "Uhh...I'll ask your dad i'm not making any promises though.." She said unsure. She hung up and said she will call me tonight to give me an answer.

I had only had 3 days left at Whispering creek, I was sad to go and sad to leave my two best friends here. I had wished that i had not met them so much because then i wouldn't have been so sad to leave them behind. I knew Liam and i had clicked once or twice but he made it clear that we are just going to be friends, He didn't want to be with me because he wouldn't be close to see each other almost every day like we do now.

I headed to the paddock to go get Buttercup to just go play sit with her in her stall, because if i do only have three days left with her..That would be it till possibly next summer and that's a big if. I grabbed her pink halter and lead rope and screamed out her name, She ran to me as fast as she could i wasn't sure if she could even stop fast enough. I was about to put her halter on but instead i didn't i just let her out and she walked with me like she was hooked up. I don't think anyone knew how much i loved this horse.

She went in her stall and layed down next to me and rested her head on my lap. Liam knocked on the stall door and asked if we could talk, I said sure and he sat down next to me. " You're leaving soon.. I'm really going to miss you." He says. "I know, I will too..I wish I didn't have to go." I say trying to not cry in front of him.

" Look I really like you okay and I just don't know if you felt that way, and I've wanted to hang out with you more but you've been avoiding me a little this past month and I really wanted to tell you this at the dance but that happened and after that you lost Spartan..and we never really talked after that.." He says looking at me. I blush and I'm kind of embarrassed too like how could I leave someone like that.. "I like you too, I feel so bad for not spending more time with you. I shouldn't have pushed you away like that." I say looking down trying to avoid eye contact with him. "Let's go out me and you of we only have three days let's spend it together okay?" He says trying to patch up my mistakes. "I would like that" I smile looking at him.

"How about a nice trail ride and I can bring food for a picnic?" He asks. "Sure! I'll tack Buttercup up now! " I say exited. While i tack up Buttercup he gets the food ready and tacks up his horse. We met outside the barn and we rode into the trail. We talked for so long while riding I finally could tell someone everything I felt and he understood what I said just like Buttercup did.

We found a cute little opening with one big tree so we tie up the horses and set up the picnic. He had brought a blanket, sandwiches, sprite, and a pie. We both ate our sandwiches and drank our sprite. I grabbed the pie and asked "What kind of pie?" He said "cherry..why?" I smash the pie in Liam's face and I die laughing. He looked so mad but then started laughing with me. "I see why now.." He laughs. When we stop laughing we both go silent..

----------------------------------------------My bad..forgot to publish this! More is to come.. QUESTION Do you guys want a second book of this once i wrap this up it will be like a part two? Let me know!!

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