Chapter Thirteen

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Today is the day,First show today is cross country I wasn't sure about it but it was something we where going to do to beat everyone. I woke up at 6 even though the cross country event started at 9 I wanted to have plenty of time to clean her stall clean her water buckets,groom her,tack up and warm her up before the event. I cleaned her stall and it was spotless,her water buckets were cleaned and filled to the top. I grabbed her grooming supply's and groomed her she was so shinny once I finished grooming and spraying in leave in conditioner to make her coat shine. Her dapples were so noticeable now and made her so beautiful! I grabbed her Brown English saddle and her pink saddle blanket and tacked her up. I put the on girth lose but not to lose that the saddle will slip while leading her to the warm up arena. Everyone was pretty much done when I put her bridle on I put my helmet on and got my number and went into the warm up area.

Once we got there I tighten the girth and made sure it's nice and tight before mounting. I put my foot in the stirrup and swing my leg over, I get her into a jog then slowly we gain our speed into a trot. You can easily sit her trot it was so smooth, I got her into a lope then we slowly gain our speed to a canter.
Me and Buttercup canter around the arena like pros she never asked to stop or go faster she just did it till i gave her another command. I slow Buttercup into a trot and posted to her movement, Me and her are the perfect match.

Finally 9 and everyone is lining up to find out who goes first and who goes last. I grab my number and find out when I go, my number was 10 so I was last and the person that went first was Kate riding Spartan. I try to regain my confidence and not to worry about anything else. Kate and  Derek went side by side and who ever who win that would go against  the next person and so on. About 15 minutes later Kate is in the lead but with Derek slowly catching up. The finish line was right there,Kate passed it first sadly and won the first round. She went against everyone up till me and won every time . It was up to me and Buttercup to beat her and everyone else. I got Buttercup ready to take off into a nice beginning and not to waste her energy in beginning of the cross country. "Ready..set..GO" says the judge. I nudge buttercup and she goes into a slow gallop getting ready for the first jump to come. The red chicken coop was coming and I count her strides..1...2..3 up and over Kate was a little ahead of me but nothing that a run to the end that can't help. 6 more jumps and they where all in my view so I knew which one was next. Next was a fallen tree..1...2..3 up and over..and we cleared it!

We had jumped the rest and now it was to the finish line I cluck to make buttercup go as fast and she can we were nose to nose and we passed the line. "Who one?!" Everyone asked the judge. "Well..I mean one of you was pretty close but not close enough..And the winner was..Adaline and Buttercup! Congratulations!" Says the judge looking happy. I was so proud of Buttercup she looked full of her self as well. They gave us our ribbons and I hoped off and gave Buttercup a big hug.

After a while everyone was slowly going to put there horses away. I lead buttercup to the wash area and untack her. I hose her off and lead her to a paddock to play for the rest of the day. I take her halter off and close the gate behind me,when she saw that it was clear for her to run she bolts off bucking and kicking looking so happy.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Okay I lied I'm really bad at updating I'm so sorry! I lost my job and had to move Buttercup to a new barn and I'm looking for a new job right now so I'm still a tiny bit busy plus I'm working with buttercup and much as I can as well as trying to exercise another horse! I'm struggling with breaking a real bad habit with Buttercup which is every time I dismount she spooked weird right? I'm looking for a way to break that without injuring myself in the process! ANY WAY enjoy I'll try to have another update soon!

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