O N E ~ The Legend

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Deep within the Woods-Borough forest, a land of many acres, lies a private meeting hall.

Its surroundings was quiet on this night; aside from the small nightly critters. The clouds high above the towering trees, grayed and rolled over the sky, a small threat before rain. Even though there was loud thunder clapping within its fluffy form, those inside the meeting hall paid no mind to the weather outside.

They were too preoccupied in their argument. Everyone was speaking out of turn, trying to voice their own opinion. Others spoke over the next person, hoping to wedge in that their opinion was more worthy for their ears. The high ranked men occupying the hall were called for their monthly meeting to discuss pressing matters they'd try to address to The Elders, however, what had started as a peaceful discussion quickly turned heated.

"This is the fourth time we've reverted back to this topic! We're going around in circles, and this matter has yet to be settled!"

There was a heavy pound on the large, wide round table after the outburst, and a different voice addressed the first.

"Calm yourself, Killian. There's no need to get yourself so upset."

Killian, the brooding figure across the way, turned his seething gaze and grit his teeth. His usually dark eyes shimmered gold---a warning from the beast within him. Leaning over the table with his hands planted firmly on the table top, Killian growled through a sneer.

"Don't tell me what to do, Mathis! You forget you have no rule here, not amongst other Alphas."

"And you forget, Killian, that we have no power in front of The Elders. They are the reason we have to seclude ourselves to these meetings in the first place. We all have a say here, but lashing out at one another never solved anything. How do you expect to go before The Elders---with that flaming temperament---when they respect us so little already."

It was another who had spoken. He was of a strong build, tall, and carried a calm aura where ever he went. Whenever these private meetings between all twelve Alphas in the country occurred, this particular Alpha was somehow silently acknowledged as the Head. It wasn't something he had asked for, but he seemed to be the only one who radiated enough power to keep the others civil.

Except for Killian, a much more irrational Alpha who didn't like being told what to do.

Of course, none of the other Alphas liked being told what to do either, it wasn't in their nature as the top of their hierarchy. But just as they were the voice of reason in their communities, the Alphas knew they would need someone among them to take the leadership role.

Normally, such decisions were settled in a challenge, but for Valor Balthasar, he was hand chosen by his fellow Alphas after the second meeting when he refused to challenge Killian.

Valor's statement was that as Alphas, they were all equal, and thus should have been treated as such in efforts to prove to The Elders they deserved their titles.

For Killian, he thought this was weak. He found Valor's backing down from the challenge that he was asked to partake in as a sign of disrespect. His nobility did wonders on the other Alphas, making them believe Valor was above the others with his calm demeanor. The man walked into a room and others just knew to bow their heads in respect---though Valor would insist it was unnecessary.

Weak. That's all Valor Balthasar was. Yet he won the challenge that hadn't even taken place to a voting system the Alphas agreed upon. It was seven to three---minus Valor and Killian--- in favor of Valor as the Head Alpha.

Moon Bound - PART I & II - (Book 1 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Where stories live. Discover now