S I X T Y - F O U R ~ Whenever You're Ready

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The forest was quiet other than the heart wrenched sobs from Sebastian who was still holding Eleni to him. He rocked back and forth, still unable to let her go. He held her against him, his tears soaking her brown curls. All his mind could think of was his son and how he'd grow up without Eleni.

Sebastian shut his eyes again, sobbing into her hair. He inhaled the Orange Blossom scent and somehow felt comfort---very little but it was there. 

When one of the community members jogged over to Alpha Mathis, he whispered into the man's ear about the hunters being finished off. There were some casualties for the Werewolves but for the most part, the community was intact. 

Mathis nodded, frowning as he asked if Valor was gathering the others together. His brows furrowed when the young man's eyes widened, stammering as he shook his head. "Alpha... he--- He didn't make it."

There was a painful burst in the Alpha's chest. The air was knocked out of him while those words sank in. They festered in shock and then grief. 

Mathis's shoulders hunched, his eyes welling up as he shook his head. "Valor... That's... That's not possible!" 

He tried to speak quietly, not wanting to draw attention to them. It was difficult, however, when you are told of your best friend who was thought would outlive you was now gone. 

Valor was supposed to be indestructible. Or at least that's how Mathis always saw his younger friend. Valor was always the strongest between them both and knowing his friend was gone... Mathis shut his eyes, feeling his tears fall down his cheeks. His heart never felt so heavy...

Across the way where Sebastian still mourned over his lost mate, Elder Phillips stared down at the pair. His brows furrowed and he raised his hand to finish wiping off the blood from his mouth with his sleeve. His gaze lingered on the human then spoke softly to the Twilight Savior.

"She saved my life..." Sebastian stilled, slowly lifting his head and his teary silver hue much brighter than before. He frowned back at the Elder who looked so conflicted... so lost as he stared still at Eleni. The Elder looked up. "A human did that. For me. A Werewolf who was hell bent on killing her. She had no idea who I was... just as I had no idea who she was."

The Elder knelt and cautiously reached towards the human. He paused when Sebastian's gaze narrowed. Elder Phillips raised his brows in a silent respectful request. When Sebastian said nothing, just let his brows dip more, the Elder was able to breathe easier. 

Elder Phillips reached forward again, taking hold of the human's arm and slowly turned it over; all while Sebastian looked on in confusion.

It was when Sebastian's eyes settled on the deep bite mark on Eleni's wrist that he snapped his attention back to the Elder. He could see now that there was blood smeared on the man's mouth. Sebastian frowned, unable to speak though he opened his mouth.

"Your human sacrificed herself for me, Twilight Savior," Elder Phillips's gaze softened on the pale face of the human he spoke so fondly of. The corner of his lip tugged upward. "I was undeserving of such a sacrifice... And so I surrendered to this new way of life you spoke so highly of..."

Elder Phillips offered a small smile, tilting his head, "That's why, before her last breath, I bit her."

He turned his gaze back to Sebastian.

"Sometimes it takes a moment to set in," was all he said before Sebastian dropped his gaze to his mate. The pale hue of her skin was beginning to take on its natural olive hue. Slowly it seeped over and then was followed by Eleni's body giving a sporadic jolt. Sebastian frowned, holding her as her body jerked again. Her body jerked from side to side and the Twilight Savior's eyes widened, tearful again as his heart sped up.

Moon Bound - PART I & II - (Book 1 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Where stories live. Discover now