T W E N T Y - O N E ~ His Realization

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She knew the moment that she hung up on her brother that she was asking for trouble.

It was only common sense to have kept talking to Bryce on the phone until she got to her apartment. It was the smart thing to do for a young woman like herself who was walking the streets alone. Of course, she wouldn't have been walking this late had it not been for the shift switch she took with Mrs. Bumpkins. 

The older woman had a pressing matter to attend to that required Eleni to take the closing shift. Mrs. Bumpkins had pursed her lips, frowning as she grumbled that a group of teenagers had managed to break into her house and made a mess of everything  that caused major damage to one side of her house. 

She'd explained how there was a mix up with the dates of when the construction workers were supposed to arrive at her house to see over the renovation that was needed. It wasn't a lot, she had mentioned, but it was significant enough that needed to be done most of the day and it would be done by nightfall. 

Mrs. Bumpkins tilted her head a little, sighing, "I hate to do this to you, Eleni, asking you to work a longer shift than should be allowed..."

"Oh it's no bother, Mrs. Bumpkins," Eleni assured, shrugging her shoulders as she leaned a little on the broom she was holding. 

She watched the little woman with her slightly waddling step cross the way towards where Eleni stood. Mrs. Bumpkins stared up at her worriedly. 

"Are you sure you'll be alright?"

The corner of Eleni's mouth curled up a little, scrunching her nose. 

"What's the worst that could happen?"

Now she knew. 

Moments ago she hadn't realized she was being followed. In fact, she was so annoyed at the idea of her brother not thinking she could handle herself that she barely noticed the two men who had approached her. 

Eleni had been so focused on frowning at the shadowed pavement that the scuffling of footsteps were almost missed. 

Halting, she looked over her shoulder at the two men in dark clothing about ten feet away. She frowned further when making eye contact with the two men and they grinned back at her. One of them went as far as to cat call her; suggesting that he walk her home. His companion found this amusing, nudging his friend before looking back at her again. 

She quickly turned away, picking up her pace when the two men whistled at her to slow down. A prickling sensation of alarm ran up her spine, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up at the severity of the situation. Eleni knew that she didn't have many options other than to call her brother back and seek his help. 

Eleni pulled her phone out of her bag again, looking over her shoulder as she turned to start a run into the street. The two men's faces became dark as they too broke into a run towards her. Gasping, she turned away; trying to pick up her pace as she fumbled to redial her brother's number. 

A small cry escaped her when something shoved her forward and made her stumble onto the street. She threw out her hands to catch herself onto her knees and to catch her breath. She remained still, feeling herself tremble and side glance when able to see one of the men circling her. 

Swallowing hard, Eleni whimpered for the two men to leave her alone. She slowly looked up to meet one of their gazes, but she trembled more at the way he narrowed his eyes. With the street lamp lighting up part of the street, Eleni couldn't make out their faces very well. She turned around, sitting back and pulled her knees up towards her chest. 

Moon Bound - PART I & II - (Book 1 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora