F I F T Y - F O U R ~ Mrs. Bumpkins's Premonition PART I

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It was the middle of a chilly October night when the small witch waddled out of the forest and onto the Community territory. The leaves crunched under each purposeful step she took. Already she could feel the tension in the air.

The corner of her lip tugged a bit. They could sense her here. 

'Good,' Mrs. Bumpkins huffed to herself. She could use a drink after the long walk. What took average height persons to walk through the dense forest, Mrs. Bumpkins took twice as long. The disadvantage of being a witch.

Mrs. Bumpkins was only in the Community for ten seconds when she heard the snarling growls echoing around her. She squinted her eyes, letting the neon hue take over to see through the thick fog. It helped, but very little. 

There were shadows of what her kind called 'Creatures of the Night' approaching and Mrs. Bumpkins stopped. She was out of breath, scowling at the hot feeling she got from the hooded cloak she was wearing to keep warm. Now she was too warm. 

When the Weres emerged, golden eyes illuminated to reveal the handful surrounding her, Mrs. Bumpkins's lips pulled into a tight line. 

Normally, she'd toy with Weres who took advantage of her small height, but Mrs. Bumpkins was unable to have such a pleasure. Not tonight. Not when her unannounced visit was important.

"I suggest you heel, Creatures of the Night," Mrs. Bumpkins humphed. She rolled her shoulders back, they felt a little heavier with the thick cloak. "I am here on official business with the Twilight Savior."

The Weres halted, their snarls ceasing---briefly. They shared glances at the mention of one of their own. It only made them pull their guard up again. 

When they began to snarl again, one of them warning the witch to stay put, Mrs. Bumpkins looked upward. Her shoulders sulked as she sighed, "I really don't have time for this!" and waved her hand while her neon hue took over her eyes. 

All the Weres hunched forward, crying out with their hands over their ears. They whimpered, clutching at their head while Mrs. Bumpkins's voice rose with more authority.

"Let me remind you all I stated the importance of my visit and holding me up will not make it any less prudent to speak with the Twilight Savior!"

She lowered her hand once she heard, "Mrs. Bumpkins!" from the thick fog. Emerging was Parker, making his way through and the moment he emerged, he fell prey to the spell with his fellow Community members.

"Argh!" Parker clenched his teeth, leaning forward to growl. 

Mrs. Bumpkins immediately ended the spell, seeing Parker and the redhead sighed out a breath before he straightened. His nose scrunched, frowning at the woman.

"The fuck was that?!"

The witch pursed her lips, raising her brows while placing her hands on her hips. "A dog whistle."

Parker frowned, tilting his head. "A what?"

The witch waved her hand in the air, dismissing his question with, "It's not important. What is important, Parker, is that I see Sebastian and Eleni. Immediately."

The Weres stared at Parker, some still rubbing their ears from the painfully piercing noise that immobilized them. Parker's frown never faltered. He could hear the severity in the woman's tone and he nodded, offering to take her to them.

He dismissed the others, assuring them that the Alpha knew of the witch as she is the one who watched over Sebastian's mate during the time of Killian's short-lived reign. 

Moon Bound - PART I & II - (Book 1 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Where stories live. Discover now