E I G H T E E N ~ Confusing Dreams

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That night, after his return from the town, Sebastian laid in bed with a hand under his head, staring up at the ceiling. His thoughts were too preoccupied on what had happened with the witch for any sleep to take over.

His nose wrinkled as he thought about the person meant to be with him. 

How was it possible? 

The numerous times that he'd asked the Moon Goddess about her, he was disappointed each time to hear that he was not meant for a she-wolf. And that he was going to have to follow his heart and destiny.

Rethinking over those conversations made Sebastian growl lowly, flipping himself onto his side to stare at the wall with a frown. He didn't know if that witch could be trusted. She knew who he was, however, and knew a fair deal about his werewolf history. She especially knew about his title.

Did that mean there were other supernatural creatures that had been thought of as extinct?

Growling once more, he flipped over onto his back again. The dark colored ceiling was all he stared at and tapped a finger on his chest, pondering if he should have mentioned the witch and what she had warned him about when his uncle had inquired of his town visit.

When the trio had reached the forest entry where Germaine and Derek were quietly discussing, Micah was in the middle of trying to calm his elder cousin. Parker sighed, rolling his eyes and mumbled a bit loudly for the Alpha's son to back off. He insisted that Micah leave Sebastian alone for a while, but the blonde was persistent.

He kept picking up his pace to keep up with his cousin's long strides and even had to grab hold of his elbow to pull him to a halt.

"Will you slow down, Sebastian?!"

Sebastian turned around, frowning at his cousin to back off---just as Parker had warned earlier.

The two bodyguards jumped to their feet in full alert, scanning the background of the trio for any form of a threat. Sebastian noticed this and rolled his eyes, mumbling that no one was following them. The pair of mates sighed in relief then the head warrior frowned, asking what had happened that made Sebastian so upset.

"Nothing," was his reply, though it was a big something. Something that he'd wanted all his life and now would never get it. Not when it came at the cost of losing his family, friends, and community.

He trudged forward, passing between Derek and Germaine. His silver eyes stared forward the whole time that Germaine tried to pry out information from the other two who had gone to town, but they too mumbled a lie about taking Sebastian to get ice cream.

"Ice cream?" Germaine frowned, looking at the back of Sebastian's head.

Derek grinned, biting his lip to keep himself from laughing out loud. He glanced over at his mate whose scrunched look was accompanied by his hand scratching at his head. Neither had noticed the younger pair behind them glancing at one another in a sort of relief to having spoken a believable lie.

Upon their return a hour and a half later, Valor was the first Sebastian saw and sighed to himself. He kept wondering if perhaps his uncle was right, and that he shouldn't have gone into the town in the first place. But when Valor raised his brows, knowingly seeing the look on his nephew's face to question if the trip went well, Sebastian looked away and mumbled that it was boring.

He pretended not to notice the relief in his uncle's expression, which definitely made the twenty-six year old keep quiet about his meeting with a witch, and that his son was very intrigued with having human friends (something that was a rule for Micah when he first announced he would be attending the human school).

Moon Bound - PART I & II - (Book 1 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα