F I F T Y - O N E ~ Moon Beam PART I

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If there was one thing Bryce wasn't expecting, it was definitely fucking not, "I want to kiss you. If only just this once, I want to kiss you." to come out of Parker's mouth. And Bryce sure as hell wasn't expecting for Parker to actually kiss him. Like he was. Right now. 

Despite the unexpected surprise, it was a surprise Bryce enjoyed. 

Who knew making out with a Werewolf could taste so amazing? Especially when said Werewolf was Parker-Fucking-Reinhardt. 

Goosebumps rippled down Bryce's skin; anywhere and everywhere Parker touched him. Parker's kiss started with such a fierceness it was astounding to feel how much more demanding it was now that Bryce was putting as much fervor in it as the redhead. 

Parker worked Bryce backward, leaning them now against a tree to better stabilize the wanton need inside him. Parker couldn't get enough. With that moment of Bryce kissing him back, Parker was close to losing it. His fingers lowered from the sides of Bryce's face down his neck towards his waist. 

Although Parker had never been with a male before, he figured it wouldn't be significantly different if being with a woman. For some things maybe, but not everything; like Parker's fingers slipping under Bryce's t-shirt to graze the skin underneath. It still earned Parker a groan. 

Even if there had been plenty of females for Parker, he had a feeling---a very strong feeling---that being with a male was going to be permanent. Particularly with this male. 

A pleased growl rumbled out of Parker as he was tending to Bryce's neck and the human had taken hold of Parker's hand to slip down the front of his jeans. It was clear Bryce was on the same wanton wavelength just by the way the human's hips leaned into Parker's touch. 

Parker pulled back, panting heavily as he was pulling off Bryce's shirt; tossing it aside. Bryce complied, swallowing hard to ease his spiked breathing but it was so damn difficult to do that when Parker's own shirt just got tossed aside. Bryce's brown eyes took in the muscled torso belonging to the Werewolf. It was completely unfair that Parker's species looked better than humans. Even humans who lived at the gym.  

Bryce's gaze darkened, reaching over to pull Parker back to him. This surprised the Werewolf although it made him grin a bit until Parker had to shut his eyes and brace a hand against the tree from Bryce's tantalizing mouth making its way down the side of his neck. 

Gritting his teeth, Parker growled again; his muscles straining to stay in control. And the human knew this too which was an asshole move on Bryce's part who smirked against Parker's skin---in between kisses---how willing the Werewolf was to letting Bryce explore him.

Parker's brows furrowed, panting out, "What... What do you mean?" before groaning from the small nip Bryce made on his chest. 

A small breathy chuckle escaped Bryce, working his way back up the Werewolf's chest towards his neck. He took hold of Parker's earlobe, grazing his teeth against it which had Parker shiver. Bryce smiled to himself at having such a strong effect on Parker. 

Bryce then spoke between slow... agonizingly slow... kisses, "I just mean..." He kissed Parker's shoulder. "How you might..." Parker's neck. "Be a big..." His throat. "Bad..." Chest. "Werewolf who gets all the ladies..." 

He glanced up from trailing down the man's lower abdomen to see Parker swallow, tipping his head back and winced. Bryce smirked again, pausing as he was still staring up at him. He waited for the redhead to frown down at him; panting heavily and those blue eyes struggling with the gold hue of his inner animal. 

Moon Bound - PART I & II - (Book 1 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα