S E V E N T E E N ~ His Greatest Downfall

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The ice cream parlor Micah had eagerly led the group to was empty when they arrived. Micah pushed his way through the door, holding it open for the others to trickle in. His green eyes surveyed the medium sized shop like it was something brand new he'd seen.

Standing in the shop, it was about the same size as the coffee one, but had neon green and pink colored walls with strange artistic photographs hanging along them. There were circular tables with a red tabletop and three black chairs surrounding each one. The long narrow transparent glass container holding the ice cream was located on the left side of the room, and behind the counter was displays of different sundaes and cones that were offered.

At the very end was a doorway with a red curtain blocking any view of the opposite side. But a few minutes after the group walked in and triggered the bell above the door, the red curtain flung to the side and a short woman wobbled her way in. The top of her head was barely seen as she walked passed the glass, its curliness bobbing as she moved.

The group of young persons glanced at one another warily just as there was a small grunt from the other side of the counter and the woman's head popped up into perfect view. Her upper torso barely reached the edge and rested her forearms on the white platform.

Her eyes scanned the young people until she rested on the three familiar ones. She smiled widely, her extremely short arms waving up in the air as she welcomed them back to the store.

"Haven't seen you lot in here in quite some time!" the woman piped, making a face as she steadied herself on whatever she was standing on to balance herself.

She looked up, reaching out her hand towards Micah who went forward with a smile.

"How are you, Mrs. Bumpkin?"

The woman, Mrs. Bumpkin, wrinkled her nose and pursed her mouth before complaining about the lack of customers in the shop this week. She grumbled that with so many midterms and finals coming up at the university, her best paying customers rarely showed anymore.

"Children?" she questioned out loud when Micah asked if there were any of them in here, and Mrs. Bumpkin scoffed, nodding, "Oh sure! Course there are children in here! When their parents let them! But half the time they are just making a mess and i have to kick them out!"

She glared at the tables behind the group, inspecting that they were in order.

Parker and Sebastian stared in awe at the tiny woman. They'd never seen someone so small before! She was barely reaching their knees if she stood beside them! The pair glanced at one another then back at the woman who took note of their intrigued stares.

Mrs. Bumpkin narrowed her eyes, leaning on one of her forearms and placed the other hand on her hip.

"What...?" her eyes flicked between the two, "Never seen a little person before?"

When both had shook their heads, Mrs. Bumpkin pursed her lips. "Mm." was all she responded, then sighed as she straightened.

"Can't blame ya i suppose... Micah here was quite enthralled with me when he met me the first time!"

Micah nodded, smiling widely at the recall of their first meeting. He looked to his cousin and his friend, gesturing them forward to say hello. Sebastian looked hesitant to greet the woman while Parker nonchalantly walked up and shook the woman's hand. he stepped back after introducing himself and looked at Sebastian whose jaw tightened as he moved forward.

Mrs. Bumpkin raised her brows, her lips seeming to be in a permanent purse as she extended her arm. Stepping forward, Sebastian also extended his arm to shake the woman's hand. But the moment they were grasped, the tiny woman's eyes bulged and a huge gasp escaped her; her far off stare was accompanied by her leaning backwards slightly.

Moon Bound - PART I & II - (Book 1 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Where stories live. Discover now