S I X T Y - T W O ~ The Beast is Coming

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A wisp of a rich oaky scent reached Sebastian's nose and his silver eyes scanned his surroundings as he sprinted past them. He frowned, not able to place the smell in his panic but then the smell was getting stronger the closer he was getting to the community. Sebastian's feet carried him a little faster, his breathing erratic as his mindset was getting to his mate and child. 

There was what sounded like thunder nearing him and with a quick glance to the side, Sebastian realized it was the heavy paws of his community members; Parker being one of them. They were running with him; feeling his distress and were willing to aide him while the remaining kept fighting on. 

Sebastian swallowed as Alpha Mathis appeared on the other side of him. The man's face in a deep scowl and his sight straight forward. Sebastian would have no time to tell him of his fallen uncle right now. Right now... Right now Sebastian needed to get to Eleni and Tristan.

The werewolves pushed on through the thick forest and began to see the treeline yards away. There were wisps of silver-gray smoke curling into the forest; dancing their way through the thick, hazy air which made the Weres flinch. Their strong sense of smell was now hindered by the smoke permeating their home. 

Sebastian pushed forward, breaking through the thick smoke and treeline first. He charged through the thick air in front of him to where his home would be. 

"Eleni!" Sebastian and the others were closing in towards what had once been a home. The wooden structure had now been consumed in flames; the heat nearly burning the Weres' skin from even this distance. 

The Twilight Savior's eyes widened, as did the others, before Sebastian charged towards the firey home. 

"Elle! Eleni!" 

"Sebastian! Sebastian, stop!" 

"Get off me!" Sebastian growled, gnashing his teeth at the Shaman Alpha who shouted at the Twilight Savior that the house was too dangerous to go near. The man glanced at the flames eating away at the home and a part of the roof collapsed.

Sebastian shoved Mathis off him, running to the home and flinched, holding up a hand to block a few embers wisping in his direction. He called out to his mate and his son. He was not the only in panic with Parker now beside him, crying out for Bryce. 

The two friends glanced at one another, nodding silently as they both backed up to charge towards a part of the home where they could jump through. Sebastian rolled his shoulders back, clenching his fists together in preparation to find his family. 

But it was the first few steps of their run that Sebastian halted, extending his arm out to block Parker from going any further. The redhead frowned at his friend but saw the way Sebastian's brows furrowed, tilting his head in a particular direction. His silver eyes glazed over until Parker forced himself to listen intently as his friend.

A tiny wail was heard and pulled the father to it. Sebastian ran towards the side of the house where the wailing was heard more. He and Parker rounded behind the home where Giselle had already been in a defensive pose, snarling until realizing who was approaching through the smoke. The she-wolf settled, frowning before gesturing frantically for the pair to approach.

Giselle moved aside where she'd been protectively blocking Bryce from view. The human was injured; his face appeared to have been beaten and some of his clothing had holes from the fire embers eating at it. His left arm was cradled at his side and there was a painful burn all along his forearm. Bryce looked up at the pair, relief filling him as his shoulders relaxed. 

Moon Bound - PART I & II - (Book 1 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα