T H I R T Y - T W O ~ A Scorned She-Wolf

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It had been a while since Sebastian was able to visit his favorite spot in the forest. He actually thought about the last time he stopped by and it must have been last year. Being able to visit again was more exciting than it should have been.

From the grass turning into dirt crunching under their shoes and the smell of the water reaching his nose, Sebastian grinned, knowing they were close. He looked back at Eleni who was enthralled with the greenery around her. Those brown eyes took in every bit of color and movement of the trees or the critters nearby. 

There was a heap amount of stones near the end of the pathway with tall trees scrunched on either side; creating a dead-end. Though it looked like the end of the pathway, for Sebastian, it always hinted his arrival. He led the way through the trees, warning Eleni to be careful, until they both appeared on the opposite side.

Eleni blinked, brows rising as she smiled that Sebastian's world appeared to have magic too. "That was like walking through a mirror!"

Sebastian frowned, tilting his head. "Those solid reflections? Wouldn't that hurt?"

His mate laughed, tucking her hair behind her ear. She shook her head, explaining that it was usually something she read about in books. She had to elaborate that there were different genres of books and in those of Fantasy was where things happened that wouldn't normally happen in real life.

"Oh..." Sebastian's brows furrowed, not fully understanding. He just nodded before hearing his mate take in a sharp breath. 

Eleni had turned around, now just feet away from what looked like a cove hidden away behind the huge boulders and trees. The wide sink hole had a stone staircase that led into the depths of the water. On the opposite side, there was a wooden staircase to stand on without getting into the water. 

The college girl's heart pounded faster, a burst of awe filling her as she took in the beautiful hidden cove. The corners of her lips tugged up into a bright smile and she looked over her shoulder at Sebastian who was watching her. He simply nodded for her to go on which Eleni obliged happily. 

Eleni walked forward, reaching the stone staircase. She carefully leaned forward to peer into the clear watery surface. She could see all the way to the bottom, it was so clear!

"How deep does this go?" Eleni asked, eyeing the water's depth and trying to make an assumption. 

Sebastian shrugged, walking over to where she was still studying the water. "I'm not sure... maybe about seven feet?"

"Oh..." Eleni blinked then asked if she could go in. 

"Be my guest," was all she needed to hear. 

She tugged off her shoes and shimmied out of her shorts and sweater; leaving herself in just her undergarments. Eleni took the elastic hair tie from her wrist and lifted up her thick heavy curls. She pulled it up to a pony tail, tying it quickly though she felt her hair slump still. No matter, as long as it was out of the way. 

Eleni dipped her toes into the water, smiling as she let out a shaky breath that it was a bit cold. She eased herself into the water, stepping on the top stone stair and let the chills run up her legs until they dissolved. She shivered, wiggling her toes.

Kneeling down, Eleni reached out to drag her fingers across the surface of the water like a paintbrush; leaving behind ripples. Unable to stop smiling, Eleni took a deep breath before diving in. The laughter heard above from Sebastian was muffled as she swam down and then did a front flip, pushing her foot off the ground and broke through the surface.

Moon Bound - PART I & II - (Book 1 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن