S I X T Y - S I X ~ Something's Going to Happen

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"Mom, have you seen Tristan?"

Mrs. Perez turned around from speaking with Octavia. Her brows furrowed as her daughter came in looking around the room. She replied that she hadn't seen her grandson since he greeted her an hour ago when Mr. and Mrs. Perez arrived. 

"Perhaps he's with Robert?" Octavia wondered, stretching her neck towards the back door where her own husband was learning how to make a good steak with the new barbecue contraption Mr. Perez introduced Kosias to. Kosias was like a child, eyes wide as he eagerly hauled Mr. Perez outside for a lesson on what a 'BBQ' was. 

Eleni pursed her mouth to the side, stepping into view of the back of the house where she could see her father and father-in-law. 

"Dad!" she called, making both men turn. Eleni couldn't help smiling at this. She then asked the pair if Tristan was outside with them. They replied he was not. That they had seen him earlier with his Uncle Bryce. 

Eleni groaned in frustration. She raked her fingers through her hair and shook her head, turning to the females at the table. They sympathized with Eleni, knowing what it was like to worry about where your children were. 

"Where in God's name is that boy?" Eleni muttered, knowing very well her son was not with her brother because he was in a phone conference with his old friend, Kevin. 

Bryce, Parker and Micah were being briefed on security measures for Tristan whenever they'd need them. Each year the plans were updated and with Kevin now being the Headmaster at the school he worked for, it was easier for the Headmaster to make arrangements because of the connections he'd made over the years. It was, of course, after much trust was earned by the Alpha who had been hesitant of admitting to Kevin what he and his family were.

The Headmaster had eased the Alpha after explaining that he was well aware of who---or rather what---Micah and his people were.

"I happen to live in the real world, you know? Get with the times, Alpha Balthasar." was the man's amused reply.

Eleni bit her lip, wondering how her son was so stealthy to escape the sights of someone in the family. Of course, she blamed the stubbornness running on both sides of the family. 

For the past six and a half years, Eleni and Sebastian had seen more and more of their son's personality grow but he was just like his father when it came to being stealthy in losing his "babysitters". 

At only seven years old, Tristan already hated the idea of being watched over all the time. He loved his family, he told his parents, but he didn't have to like being "babysat" all the time. 

"Maybe he's with Sebastian..." Eleni muttered, turning with her mother and Octavia to the front door. Her husband walked in with his Aunt Ursula carrying baskets of fruit and sweet bread the Runners must have brought back a few hours ago.

When she stooped a bit to see if Tristan was with them, Eleni straightened. Her disappointment wasn't missed as Sebastian could feel her worry and he frowned, "What's wrong, Elle?"

Eleni sighed, her shoulders deflating as she admitted that she couldn't find Tristan. She gave Sebastian a pointed look and reminded her husband that some years back, Eleni had mentioned their son would not like having his own babysitters.

Moon Bound - PART I & II - (Book 1 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Where stories live. Discover now