F I V E ~ Ursula

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"Mommy...? Why can't I go outside?"

While making lunch for her son, she heard the disappointment in his little voice, and Octavia looked over her shoulder to give him a small smile.

"It's dangerous, Sebastian."

"But why?"

"Because there are bad people who want to take you away from Mommy. And Daddy and I want to make sure that never happens."

Sebastian's little face scrunched into confusion, his silver-blue eyes staring at the table top. He glanced up to see his mother had returned to fixing his food. His bottom lip stuck out in a pout, his brows furrowing over his saddened gaze.

Shifting in his chair better, the boy tilted his head to the side and asked, "And Uncle Vali? Does he want to keep Sebastian safe, too?"

Octavia laughed lightly, nodding without turning around. 

Her son had a habit of referring to himself in the third person, and even nicknaming his Alpha uncle, Vali, something that hadn't been very amusing to Valor. 

The Alpha had growled at the boy's parents that that wasn't his name.

"Yes, my darling. Uncle Valor wants to keep you safe too. He loves you, just like mommy and daddy."


Octavia picked up the yellow plate of food and walked into the dining area to place it in front of her son. The boy's face lit up at the sight of his chicken-mustard sandwich with the crusts cut off. Sebastian shifted onto his knees, leaning an elbow on the table while picking up one of the neatly cut triangles to bite into it.

"Dis if goob, mummy!"

"Oh, Sebastian," Octavia laughed, placing a cup of orange juice on the table by the plate. "Close your mouth, sweetheart! Mommy doesn't want to see your food."

She sat in the chair beside him, with a bowl of grapes she began to eat. She shook her head, smiling when Sebastian turned to her and gave her his toothy grin. There was mustard all around his mouth that she had to wipe away. Her son kept whining and turning his head away in attempt to make her stop.

"Sebastian—-son, stay still!"

"Nuh!" was his muffled reply, swatting lightly at her hand while leaning away further. He shut his eyes tightly, whining for his mother to stop.

"Mind your mother, Sebastian," a deep toned voice scolded gently.

Both Sebastian and Octavia turned to the front door where the six year old practically leapt out of his seat and over to the door.

"Uncle Vali!" Sebastian cried, jumping up into the Alpha's open arms.

Valor winced at the awful nickname he was given since the boy could start talking. He raised a brow, leaning his torso back to inspect the child he held. He noted the way Sebastian's hair was getting a bit too long that it was now shading his eyes, then there was the mustard smear across his left cheek.

"Messy eater... Aren't ya, pup?"

Sebastian nodded happily, pointing to the side of the room where his mother was still sitting and beamed, "Mommy made Sebastian a sandwich!"

Nodding in agreement, Valor walked over to place the boy back in his chair. He insisted that Sebastian finish eating before he can gibber jabber all he wanted with his uncle. 

Moon Bound - PART I & II - (Book 1 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Where stories live. Discover now