T W E N T Y - E I G H T ~ The Element of Surprise

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Sebastian couldn't help grinning as he stared up at the small plastic-like rectangle he held up above him. Placing his arm behind his head, Sebastian studied what he learned was a 'photograph'. Apparently, there were various sizes but this one, in particular, had a rectangular shape to it and there was a white border around the middle portion that had centered Eleni in the middle. 

His silver gaze studied the photograph some more, pulling it closer to his face for a better look. Again, the corner of his lip tugged upward, his eyes settling on the freckled face smiling back at him with her messy curls flowing to one side of her head. She'd been caught in mid-laugh while staring down at him but it only made Sebastian more proud to say that it was the best photograph he had taken that day. 

The soft humming was all Sebastian could hear through the darkness. He'd honed in to try and focus on what the noise was... where it was coming from. The soft hum though was followed by a small 'click' that made another humming that was louder than the first. 

Frowning, Sebastian realized his eyes were closed; his sleep fading before deciding to squint open his eyes. His head lifted, blinking at the small, squarish object in Eleni's hands while she was sitting up. 

Sebastian frowned again, looking at the bed he laid on and now remembered where he was. Lowering a brow, he turned his gaze to the short, curly-haired female sitting up with her legs crossed and part of the bedsheet wrapped around her middle. 

Eleni was in the middle of staring down at the black and purple object, her fingers moving to take hold of the edge of the paper sliding out of the end. Her brown eyes glanced up at her sleepy Werewolf and smiled before looking back down at the picture that just finished printing. 

She pulled it out the rest of the way, holding it up a bit in front of her and smiled at it before flipping it around to face Sebastian.

"You're even beautiful in sleep," she giggled then was scrunching her nose as she muttered to herself while staring down at the photo, "I drool..."  

Sebastian's brows furrowed, his attention completely on the contraption she was holding. 

"What is that?" he asked, pushing himself onto his side before sitting up. The bedsheet slipped down to cover his lap. 

"This," Eleni held up the black and purple object, "Is called a camera. There are different types actually but this one is known as an instant camera---or it can be called a Polaroid too."

Tilting her head to the side, Eleni shrugged while admiring her camera, "I got it on Amazon. Would have taken a while for me to get it but I have Prime sooooo it had two-day shipping."

Sebastian's confused frown made Eleni sigh, laughing, "Sorry... I think I went too fast."

Dropping his gaze to what she was holding, Sebastian nodded at it. 

"Is that where you capture memories?"

Eleni smiled, nodding, "Yes. But some cameras won't let you print out the pictures right away... like this one!" 

She motioned to the number of photographs that Sebastian just noticed were lying between them on the mattress. Some were upside-down, others were covering others, but there were about seven or eight. 

Reaching over, the twenty-six-year-old picked one up to examine it closer. The corner of his lip curled upward from Eleni having taken a picture of herself leaning into the view of the center with her tongue sticking out slightly. But then there was Sebastian, completely asleep in the background, his face turned towards the picture but half of it was slumped into the pillow. 

Moon Bound - PART I & II - (Book 1 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Where stories live. Discover now