F I F T Y ~ Jealousy is an Ugly Color to Wear

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Bryce rolled his eyes as he was exiting Mr. Carmichael's office, shutting the door behind him. He really wished the man was more understanding to Bryce's situation but without explaining about Eleni's new Supernatural family... that was impossible. 

When they first traveled through the forest, the group was together before Eleni decided to announce that she needed to slow down because of the baby being so heavy. 

Bryce thought that was a stupid reason to break off from the group. She'd been carrying her 'Moon Beam' for months now and suddenly today the kid was too heavy? Sure.

So not even five minutes after Sebastian and Eleni decided to fall behind along with Germaine and Derek whom were Sebastian's bodyguards (babysitters), Bryce found himself alone with Parker. The ever so quiet and ever so good-looking Parker.

Bryce groaned as he was trudging on through the forest. He hadn't been able to say a word to Parker. Not that the Werewolf was keen on speaking to him either. Parker was just scanning the forest; a calming gaze it was and one that Bryce actually admired. 

He could tell the forest was special to Parker. Just like it was for Sebastian. Bryce wondered if maybe his sister was a Supernatural being herself in another life as she had always loved being surrounded by green trees and woodsy smells. 

Bryce didn't mind it. It just felt like it could get lonely though. 

By the time they reached town, Bryce had attempted to clear his throat---making Parker glance his way---and explain where they were going and what Bryce was asking Parker to do while Bryce spoke to his boss, Mr. Carmichael.

Bryce looked the Werewolf up and down, nodding, "You'll fit in so no one will be suspicious of you just loitering."

At the word 'loitering' Parker scrunched his nose. Bryce leaned forward, giving a brief explanation to the word before Parker's scrunched look relaxed. 

Parker learned Bryce worked at a place called 'Sirens'. Some place where humans bought clothes that were a bit more expensive than they should be. It was some knock off of a more known brand called 'Abercrombie & Fitch'. Both Bryce never liked.

"So then why do you go there?"

"I don't buy anything there!" Bryce chuckled. The sound made Parker grin a bit. "I just work there. That's all." 

"Okay..." Parker nodded. "So then why do you work there?"

Bryce blushed, wincing as he mentally thought of why he started working there in the first place. It was a summer job when he was eighteen and really a classmate at the time worked there as one of the shirtless models that stood at the entrance of the store to greet customers. 

He was the first boy to convince Bryce that males were his dating preference after the few failed relationships with girls at his school. Kevin was openly gay at their private school but he was so well liked because of his academic standing and athletic abilities. The latter Bryce appreciated every time he went to buy some crap scarf or hat or t-shirt at the store. Just to get a glimpse of the hard work playing sports that paid off for Kevin.

It wasn't until Kevin figured out why Bryce stopped by so much that they began talking. Kevin understood Bryce's reluctance to be seen with Kevin in anything romantic. Something about his father being hard up about certain things. 

But it didn't stop Kevin from trying to open Bryce up. It was the only way Bryce learned how to kiss and fool around with someone he actually liked. Down the line, six months after their secret relationship, Kevin and Bryce were able to experience their first time together. Something Bryce was always grateful for. 

Moon Bound - PART I & II - (Book 1 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Where stories live. Discover now