S I X T Y - F I V E ~ A Crown Worth Fighting For

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☙☽Six months Later☾❧

"If you stare at that map any harder you might burn holes in it."

Micah looked up from where he was seated at what was now his desk. 

It was barely a week ago that he could acknowledge this room being his now. The room was still the same as how his father left it, however. The decor was something Micah didn't have the heart to change. Not one bit. He wasn't sure if he ever would.

Micah's green eyes narrowed on his new Second-in-Command strolling into the room and dropped himself into one of the empty seats in front of the desk. The lazy posture was frowned at only because that was a new chair replacing the one broken last week. By the same person sitting in it now.

Lowering his gaze back to the map of the U.S., Micah muttered that he couldn't help it. The marker he was holding in between his fingers tapped anxiously on the desk.

"I can't figure it out..."

Raising a brow as he was eyeing the Alpha's nerves working him again, Parker shifted his attention to Micah's stern focus. 

'He looks so much like Valor,' Parker mused. 

With the new title given to him, Parker was expected to hear out Micah whenever he was troubled with decisions. The blond claimed he wasn't as good at sorting things out as his father was but Micah figured it would be some time until he got to that point. Micah felt Parker would be best to stand in as his Second with the strong loyalty the redhead had to Sebastian.

Parker feigned a frown when he was told of his new position and stuck his nose up into the air. 

"Oh!" he narrowed his eyes. "So I was your second choice! Just because you couldn't have His Royal Highness, is that it?"

Micah's eyes widened, frowning as he stammered that he would never do that. He tried to mend his words until Parker sputtered out a chuckle, shaking his head and clapped a hand onto the other's shoulder. Parker chuckled he was kidding and it would be an honor to serve beside the new Alpha.

Micah didn't appreciate the teasing but still grinned anyway.

"What are you working yourself up about today?" Parker nodded, stretching his neck from where he was. He squinted, unable to decipher the upside map.

A frustrated sigh escaped Micah, scrunching his face as he raked his fingers through his hair. He stared at the map, groaning about the cities surrounding the town and the forest. Micah shook his head that the past three months of searching for others like them wasn't progressing as Micah hoped.

"It's not so easy trying to figure out who is a Werewolf and who is human. With other Werewolves blending in so well, I can't pick them out like I can pick out you and me."

"I take offense to that..."

Micah shot Parker a look, returning back to the map. He pointed out the red circles he made around certain states just outside of California. He informed Parker the circled areas were the places Micah found a handful of Werewolves. 

"I've learned from the Runners in the search parties I've sent out over the past months that those living outside the twelve communities---although adjusted in this day and age---they seem to have someone to answer to."

The redhead raised a brow, slumping a little more in his chair. "Like an Alpha? We all have those." Parker gestured to the blond. "We have you."

Micah sighed, his brows furrowing as he looked up at his friend. He shook his head. "No... I mean... Yes, we have our own system because of how we all were isolated but... the Runners mentioned how those they spoke to were a bit nerved."

Moon Bound - PART I & II - (Book 1 in the Original ROYAL HOWLERS Duology) ✔Where stories live. Discover now