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That morning Archer was gone. He had left without waking me. The morning bell rang with several little dings.



Time seemed to go by quicker here amongst the trees and the strange cement houses. Maybe it was because I was able to speak my mind to Archer most of the time or maybe it was the fact that I could show who I intended to be. Meals passed with conversation and laughter verses the silent orderly meals that took place in the city. School did not feel like school here. While I was learning more than the average person here, I could learn at my own pace and free will.

But then there were times when things seemed to move slower than a crawl specifically in my meetings, with Marie, who did not seem to care that I was only thirteen.

My legs shook as I sat in a comfy chair. Marie was pacing the room, as she usually did, as she gave me one of her many lectures of the day. While I learned many things about the city from it's history to it's layout I also learned the same of our little place here in the woods. Which, turns out, is not as little as I am sure everyone had been lead to believe. Escape tunnels were hidden in buildings behind secret doors. These tunnels lead to several underground bunkers that could house the population and keep everything sustained for several weeks.

"Just in case the city attacks," Marie said.

"So, everyone goes in there?"

"No," Marie shook her head. "We can not just hide and leave ourselves unprotected. Those who have been trained to protect us are put to use. The boy who came with you that sits with you at meals has been selected for combat."

Archer had told me that he was training to fight. It had not crossed my mind that he would, possibly one day, put his life on the line. My stomach flipped around.

"I see that thought upsets you."

I shook my head softly. "I just didn't think about it like that until now."

"You are aware," she sat down across from me. The dark wooden desk sat between us. "That it is your duty as someone in leadership to treat everyone here equally. I know he might be your friend but there is more at stake here than just one individual. While they can worry about each other you have to worry about them all and their safety."

"I know. I understand."

"I picked you to lead over my own son. You showed promise and I intend for it to stay that way."

"Yes, Marie." I nodded.

"I think maybe it is time we kept you separate from the rest for a while. It will give you a chance to see them as a whole group and nothing more." She rose from her seat. "I will have Macallister go over the details with you later. For now you can go upstairs to the farthest room on the left."

Marie left without another word. I heard the from door open, she walked across the old creaking porch, and down the stairs. I had not seen the upper part of the white house before. I had not been allowed up there.

And now I was supposed to head to a room and wait patently for Macallister.

I followed Marie's instructions to the very last room on the left. It was smaller than the little house I currently resided in but to my surprise the bed was larger. It was like when Archer and I pushed the two together to be closer.

I thought about Archer. I did not know how separate Marie intended on me being. Archer would no longer be able to visit me at night. I was saddened at the thought of no more late night fruit or silent hand holding. He was the only friend I ever had and the thought of being pulled away made me want to cry. My inky hope was that I would still be allowed to see him at meals and during our work time in the fields.

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