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         For the next several weeks I spent my nights in the library and my days following the routine that was expected of us. Every Saturday I had folding duty with 4313. I had been around him so much we could actually form small talk and sit at meals with each other. It was becoming more acceptable for us to be around one another although it was still unusual that we had managed to become friends with our two year age gap. 

             On several occasions I had almost told him my secret. 

        According to 4313, my folding had improved tremendously, as I no longer jumbled up the clothing items and tried to move on. I smiled at his praise. My heart thudded at an alarming rate anytime 4313 spoke. I worked harder in the hope that he would notice me more, say more, do more.

        4313 hadn't been the only one who noticed my improvements and determination over a period of several weeks; my hall Officer had also taken an interest.

        "Well," he smiled at me in the morning as we were being dismissed for breakfast after our morning inspection. "Isn't it 4522."

        I adjusted my skirt awkwardly. There was something about the Officer that made me anxious around him. I felt the need to cower and hide from the scrutiny of his black eyes. "Hello, officer."

        "You have been doing very well with your work," he admired, smiling with his perfect teeth.

        "Thank you."

        "I am assuming you learned from 4313, am I correct?" I hesitated. "Has he been teaching you? It says on your record that you were originally not very good at anything they put you into."

        My body tensed. It was true. I had messed up every job I had ever been given. I shuddered. "Yes."

        "What is your age?" The Officer questioned. 

        "I am thirteen, Officer." 

        "Which means 4313 is only fifteen," the Officer said, almost with wonder.

        I blushed. Was the Officer asking about ages because it was inappropriate? My stomach twisted at the thought of not being allowed around 4313; it was my worst nightmare. "Yes."

        The Officer's features scrunched with thought. "He appears so much older. He acts much older."

        I didn't know where the Officer was taking the conversation so I didn't say anything at all. The decisions we were having seemed dangerous. Never had an Officer, that I knew, stopped to talk to an alumni about another alumni. Then again, the Officer did many things that were very unusual. 



        I went to breakfast and sat with 4313. I didn't know if I should tell him about the encounter with our hall Officer or if should keep my mouth shut. We were not supposed to bring up other people, it's called gossip and can be punishable by death depending on what is said. I ate my peaches as I considered. Deciding against it I finished my meal, barely contributing to the conversation 4313 was attempting to have with me. Eventually we parted ways for our classes. 

        Since that mornings conversation with my hall Officer I had felt paranoid. Was he starting to catching on to me? It would be easy for them to find the evidence to accuse me of treason considering all they would have to do is look at the video recordings on the nights I went to the library to read forbidden books. If I were caught I would be put to death without a doubt and there would be no one who could stop it.

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