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"Good morning 4522," the officer smiled as he walked by me during inspection. His teeth were perfectly straight. The government had worked hard to alter and mix genetics to make perfect people. He was attractive but I still thought he was too pale.

"Good morning, Officer." I nodded in greeting. He moved on and I glanced over at 4313 who seemed to be glaring at the Officer. I wanted to ask him why but I didn't. Instead I became sidetracked by his caramel skin and dark curls.

In the book I had read in the library the princess had gotten what she called a prince. Her true love. They performed a ceremony called marriage which made it so they could only be together with each other forever. We weren't aloud to do that. As I stared at him I began to wonder what 4313 would think of marriage and if he would think it was as great as I did. What would he think of kingdoms filled with royalty?

Suddenly the Officer came back with a clip board and I remember it was Saturday. No classes. Each Saturday and Sunday were chore days. We spent our time to an assignment we had been given. The week before I had to organize all the silverware with a few others, it had been a quick job, but some girl had cut her finger on a knife.

"-those assigned to folding: 4313, 4678, and 4522." The Officer read. Folding. It was one of the slowest jobs, taking up the majority of the day. I had only gotten the job one other time, partly because I had done a horrifying job the first time, but 4313 seemed to fold clothes almost everytime.

We lined up bofore being led to our stations of work.

The folding station was near the washing station, in the basement of the school and only one room apart. I could smell wet clothes with every breath I took. The folding station was poorly lit, the light not refeltcing well off the grey concrete walls, and there were rows and rows of plain white tables. Two baskets of clothes were already set up on each; one per person.

To my surprise and delight I ended up sharing a space with 4313. We folded a whole dozen sweaters while I agrued with myself if I should attempt to talk to him. The tables were spead enough apart that, if we talked quietly, no one would hear what we were saying.

"You're doing it wrong," he said softly, startling me. The blue sweater in my hands slipped onto the floor; 4313 bent down and grabbed it. Instead of handing it back he began to fold it slowly and pecisely, almost perfectly. I watched. "This is how you fold it."

"Oh," was the only thing I managed to say. It was the first time he had ever spoken to me. His voice was husky and verging on deep. In the horrible lighting his skin and eyes appeared several shades darker than their brown appearences in the open windows upstairs.

"Have you even done this before?" He asked. I nodded.

"Just once," I admitted.

"I'll help you," he said as he showed me once again how to correctly fold the different items in our baskets. When I fell behind he started helping me out. I had never seen anything like it. Most would have just let me get in trouble for not being able to complete my job efficently. That's what had happened the first time I had ever been assigned to folding.


At lunch 4313 sat with me, which earned us some curious glances from several others. We ate peaches, a sandwhich, and had a glass of chocolate milk. Chocolate milk was a rare gift we recieved and I tried to drink it slowly in order to enjoy it longer. The meal was over too soon. Since folding a laundry were long jobs were had more to do. Unlike the majority, we still had things to finish.

In the dark basement we were given the job of folding skirts and blouses. 4313 finished faster, like usual, and began to work on mine. Occasionally our hands would brush, shocking us both. It reminded me of the book I had read about true love and how the character had described the feeling of meeting her prince.

I wanted to talk about my discovery and secret with the boy next to me but I didn't know how much trust I could give him. There was a difference in helping me with my job and telling him that I had snuck out at night, went into the library, and read a forbidden book. 4313 could turn me in. I would be killed. With my history record of bad behavior they would no doubt believe him.

We finished our share before everyone else.

"Have a good evening, 4522." 4313 said quietly to me.

"You too." We split apart for our free time.


That night I went to the library. I spent as little time as possible searching for things to read and more time reading. I picked several books.

The first was a book about a boy, I had to sound out the letters they used to name him because in old books their names were formed by letters instead of numbers, and I found it very unusual. The character seemed to be a regular boy. The book was filled with what they called magic. After winning a battle against and evil King the boy then ruled the kingdom.

This story, much like the last, had things I didn't quite understand like what a king and kingdom were. Fighting seemed to be a big topic in the stories. I could somewhat grasp the concept of what was called magic but it stilled baffled me. I wished there was someone I could ask. I thought about atempting to find a book that would maybe define the words I couldn't understand; but, it was getting late and I needed rest. I made a promise to myself that I would find the book that explained things later.

I put everything back, having not been able to finish all of the books I had selected, and made my way quickly to my bed and climbed in. I could hear the soft snores of 4313 behind the curtain next to me. I found him being there comforting. I wanted to tell him of the adventures I went on at night; I wanted to tell him everything I had read.

The tale of the boy and his magic circled around in my mind until I fell asleep.

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