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The recovery from Archer's training took several days despite me feeling better not long after I had woken up. Macallister insisted on me being cared for and watched until he felt confident in my health. He stopped by multiple times a day to speak with me. Archer never left except to shower. I had a feeling that this bothered Macallister more than would ever express to me. The two of them were still not on speaking terms due to Macallister's distrust and Archer's too rough of training. They both seemed to have different plans for me. I could not seem to pick which side I was on. Macallister had been by my side for years watching over me and instructing me while Marie schemed behind my back. But Archer had always been there, whether it was just behind a curtain or separate living spaces. Both meant something to me just in different ways. Macallister was almost like a protective older sibling. 

"Would you like me to have the doctor tell him to leave?" He had said while visiting me. Archer had taken the time to shower and change his clothes when he came in. 

I shook my head. "No, I would like him to stay. He keeps me company."

"He hurt you, Remi. And I do not mean just a little bruise while trying to teach you to protect yourself." He was concerned for my safety as if Archer had gone out of his way to try and kill me.

"I know that." I sighed. "We talked about it. He didn't mean to. He thought I was going to be able to protect myself. I know you had planned on him and Jericho protecting me together so I wouldn't have to do this but I think it is better this way. I could never really depend on Jericho to save me."

Macallister nodded with understanding. 

"The only problem is I am learning that I can't really depend on me to save myself either."

The corners of his mouth pulled up as if he wanted to laugh but found the situation too serious to actually do so. It was funny in a horrible way.

"When you were thirteen I knew you had a special skill set," he said. "I also knew that physical fighting would more thank likely not be one of them. Sadly, I was right. You have the spirit and you have the capability to influence with words but throwing fists has never been your style."

"It also doesn't help that I am so skinny."

"You can't help that; you were genetically bred to be that way. You're built slender, not skinny. There is a difference." He tried to make me feel better about my failure. "The important part is that you stay safe and we accomplish our goals at hand."

"Which involves taking tearing down a system run by science, computers, and terrified people of the city." I recapped. Things were becoming much more complicated than I had ever planned.

"But, for now, you just need to feel better."

"I do feel better. You're the one keeping me here," I said. I was growing tired of the boring square room even with Archer's company.

"It is for your safety. That is what is most important." He stated. There was no changing his mind until he changed it himself. "As long as everything goes smoothly from here then you should be out in no time."

"I guess I will just wait here then," I made a slight show of making myself comfortable in the bed. 

"I need to attend to some business, which I will share with you when you are well, and I have to get going now." He stood. His signature smile was back. "Archer will be back soon anyway and I am sure you two are enjoying each others company with this free time."

I blushed. He knew that Archer slept next to me in the same bed now. "It's nothing, really. I just didn't want him sleeping slumped over in a plastic chair."

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