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Harold was the start of it all. Archer and I had listened to his story from the beginning to the end all while on the edges of our seats.

He had been the average man, going about his job as a computer engineer every day, and following the schedule of day to day life. He fixed a computer when it broke, helped program new software into them when needed, and kept out of the restricted files. That is until one day he accidentally clicked on one and let his interest take hold. There was more to the system and their motives than what he had ever imagined. With each file he opened, young Harold became more disgusted and horrified with every word. They were trying to create peace by genocide. Millions of people were murdered with the idea of starting over to achieve perfection.

The final goal was for all to be the same. In the end, through the correct genetic mutations and breeding, we would not just look the same but we would be the same. They clung to the idea that one could not wage war against ones self. A single, prefect, race. I could not imagine looking at Archer with his green eyes, dark hair, and caramel skin, looking at what made him who he was, and looking to my other side to see the same thing. The thought was upsetting on a level that I could not fully express.

In short we would be robots living unhappily for the rest of our days, following each other around in circles with no way out.

"I crafted a plan, a plan that this group has been working for years to perfect, but it is a risk. Any uprising is going to create chaos before we can come up with a better solutions." Harold said.

"And if your plan works I am assuming you have another plan to make this," I gestured all around me as if to summarize everything I had gone through with one big motion. "All better?"

He sighed. "I do but things happen."

"That's comforting." I said sarcastically to Archer who crossed his arms in response. He did other like any of this. Part of me worried, that if it were not for me, he would have sided with Jericho and Marie long ago. I hated thinking these negative and questioning thoughts about him even more than when I questioned Macallister.

"If you would like to know more in depth I can give you some materials. Before I went into hiding, I stole several important documents, though I must admit that I did not get very much in the grand scheme of things. The Officer's had stormed the room just as I managed to escape."

"We could always get more," I said much to Archer's disapproval. Harold narrowed his eyes at me before laughing.

"There's the spirit." He kept laughing.

"What is so hilarious?" Archer tensed.

Harold shook his head. "I am not laughing because I think she is funny; I am laughing because I am over joyed. She told me something even better than what I had been hoping to hear."

The old man stood up, picked up a case from another table, and sat it back down in front of me. It was small black case with silver locks that could easily be carried by its silver handle. With a small push, it nearly ended up in my lap. I held it in my arms. It was much heavier than I had anticipated. 

"That is all the records that I got the first time." He looked at Archer as if his words were a way to gain his trust. "All of them. Now, I am old, this has been a little too exciting for me, and I would like a nap."

He excused himself with a smile and a nod before heading out. 



Archer and I poured over paperwork on the table in front of us. We did not hesitate to take in all of the information we had finally been granted. I could not help but wonder if Macallister knew of this, and if he did not, would he approve of his father's decision? I tried not to focus too much on the thoughts outside of what I was actually seeing before me.

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