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"We will not be controlled!" My voice shouted. It had been the words that I had painted on the walls before. They were mine and I would let them be heard. I shouted it again. We had taken to the streets with those who were on their way to work. I wanted nothing more for them to join us. We needed strength in numbers.

I had sent someone to inform Macallister of the development with the hopes that he would have The Third Party join us. There was no way for me to know if the message would ever be received, or if they would even come if it was.

My voice shouted again, the same chant as before. And again. With every chant my voice increased in volume with the numbers surrounding me. Archer marched beside me. I could hear his voice mingling with mine. Before long ours were undetectable in the mass around us. We had all become one with each other.

Some stopped and watched us as we matched. Here and there a few would join us. One in a lab coat. One in a blue uniform that stood for an electrician. Another in a construction hat. I continued to walk with them. There was not an Officer in sight but there would soon be one that would spot us. Harold was leading the group that was growing large with every building we passed. Some people ran away from us in terror as if they were afraid that they would become involved and suffer for it. I hoped that would not happen. If we lost, we would without a doubt be put to death. Especially those who were older. They would not hesitate to rid the City of those who, for the most part, were too old to serve a purpose to the community.

It seemed as if we were reaching more people than not as more joined. My chant continued to dominate the street. There was no room for anything but the moment. It almost felt like a dream. No matter what happened to me, I would finally feel as if I did something worthwhile.

Harold was leading us towards The Hall of Knowledge. I had only been in the building once, illegally, and I had stole stack upon stacks of paperwork. I thought I had watched two people die that day, though it turned out to only be one, and I knew that I would see more as we marched to the Hall.

Officers guarding the gates stood watch. One in the tower and two on the ground. My heart thundered. They had their guns ready.

The large group we had acquired as we had marched froze before the weapons. We had none. Just human bodies in rows vulnerable to any bullet they let fly. Archer gripped my hand tighter. There was no way to know if my message had reached them or if they would firmly stand behind the rules of the City.

The one in the tower pointed his gun at us. My heart jumped to my throat as Archer and I gripped each other. It was happening. People would die. I prepared for them to fire. And fire they did. Two quick shots.

My face was pressed into Archer's chest as he held me.


I looked around us. There, in front of me, stood only one of the three Officers. She was a medium sized woman with dark black hair pulled tightly into a bun. She had shot the other two stationed with her.

"Some of you can follow me," he voice boomed loudly. I felt the authority in her voice as if it had just shot me like she had shot the others. "I can get you some weapons."

I watched as people looked to Harold for direction. He nodded. "Half of you go with her. Get as much as you can and bring it back."

No one hesitated. I watched as the Officer ripped off her black shirt, revealing her white undershirt, and threw it to the ground. She would no longer be identified with the Officer's. She was now part of the rebellion. On the ground before us laid the dead body of her previous partner. My stomach lurched. Regardless if they were on our side or not, every death would weigh heavily on us all. The population of the City was never large and to eliminate possibly half who would not join us would be too much death for me to handle.

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