Who To Trust

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In 4522 there is a lot going on behind the scenes that Remi is not aware of. We see this several times through out the chapters as she continues to discover more as she goes along. Just when she begins to think that she understands it all, she realizes she has only touched the tip of the iceberg. (Not that she actually knows what that is because what is life outside the city and/or forest doesn't exist. Or does it? (GASPS.) But the reoccurring problem for her, and you as the reader, is who to trust in this big mess.

Well, I am not going to tell you but I am willing to offer a little... assistance with your decisions. Let's look at the facts.



-Archer: Isn't it crazy that some of you are questioning him?! (Maybe not so crazy) Let's have a look. He started it all with Remi, helped her when they were younger to blend in, and wanted to know more about her retaliation though he did not fully understand it. I mean, you do not just go off and leave with a group of people to stay with a girl if you don't really mean it, right? But then the big split happened, that Remi and Archer allowed to happen because they became too confident and comfortable with where they were, and he "moved on" (if that is how you would put it) to Jericho. We know he still left Remi presents but speaking and bonding is entirely different. The big question is, despite that Remi was there first, is his bond with Jericho stronger after all these years. We can see that  Jericho's disappearance has caused a stir in him. Is he torn between the two enough that it might put Remi in a position that causes harm? She doesn't know. Is he trust worthy or is he going to be another obstacle.

-Macallister (a.k.a Mac): He is several years older than Remi but has taken a liking to her as an individual from the start. (Some of you ship them more than Remi and Archer; would that make their couple name Remister? ....) We all know he has A LOT of secrets, deep plans, and it appears he also has mutiple motives. This character has stood by Remi's side the entire time as a guide but does that mean, despite having all of his secrets, that she can trust him? He saved her from the city, claims he saved her from Marie, and now wants her help in completing his organizations wishes. We all know why he took her to the forest, missing children in the city would have led the Officer's right to the Third Parties front door if they had gone straight there, but why did he never tell her that it was not the final destination? It took years! But once again he got her away from trouble. Is it because he wants to use her or because he cares for her? Maybe both?

-Jericho: I know, I know. F***ing Jer-a- hoe right? Many of you have a problem with her due to Remi and Remi's feelings. And we all know she can be rude and a bit nasty. But is she a bad person? Archer trusts her fully when it comes to him; we all know Remi has a different opinion. Trusting her when we first met her seemed impossible but, as we all know, sometimes they are not always who they seem. When the children were being murdered she was the only one who refused to follow through with the dirty work despite the fact that we saw her as a different person with Remi. (GASP CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT) If she was the only one who passed that test to show that she knew the difference between good and evil, is she really that bad? It effected her so much that she actually took off away from the Third Party and the city because she could not handle how horrible the event was. Can she be trusted, maybe not to Remi, but to you as the reader because she has a clearer picture as to what is and is not right?

-Harold: We just met Harold but some of you already feel like he is trustworthy. He did, after all, hand over more information than any other character. Literally. Files and Files of paperwork. He claimed to have given her everything he had managed to steal the first time all those years ago. He told them he was the start of the Third Party and his son was Macallister. There was more information than Macallister had given since the beginning of time. But does that mean we should link arms with him and skip down the lane? Hmmm... I guess we will have to see.

-Marie: NONE OF YOU TRUST HER! But why? She took Remi under her wing. She taught her everything she knew, even though she made Archer stay away to limit the distractions, and even gave her power! Remember? Then there was the evil plan to use Remi as a way to create distraction if the city ever found them and attacked by giving Remi to them as "The true leader." Who did we hear that from though? Marie? Nope. Macallister. So if you do not trust Macallister than how can you be so sure that Marie even had those plans? Uh-oh.

Maybe that helped you. It probably made it worse... kind of hoped it would (insert evil author laugh).

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