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It was the day, the one I had been waiting for yet at the same time I did nothing but dread. I had written my speech and The Third Party would officially take action. Macallister had planned it to the last second. It was the first of the final days. 

"So, I just read into this?" I said as I looked at an overly old microphone. It was larger than I had expected it to be and, if I got too close, my words stirred up together instead of heard by the City. Macallister's approval for my writing had been an overwhelming relief. 

"Right into it," Macallister confirmed. Archer sat besides me with his hand tightly gripping my own. He was as nervous as me. "Sage will give the cue as to when. They are out in the City setting up still."

A knock on the door interrupted us. Sage entered with another man at his side. 

"We have been informed that an attack has taken place," Sage said before stepping aside so the new man could speak. I remembered him from one of the previous groups; Jericho's personal group. His brown eyes were thin and his hair was dark. He had forced his body to gain muscle in more places than the average person of the City. 

"A small outburst broke out with the Officer's and a few younger adults." He confirmed. "I saw it while we put the speakers on a rooftop."

Macallister leaned towards him with wide eyes. "And what was the result, Damon?"

"One Officer was killed and two of the rebels." Damon coughed. "It appeared that the others were taken into custody."

"No doubt they will be questioned." Macallister rubbed his hands together. "How long before we can broad cast, Sage?"

"The system is ready to go. Whenever they are finished being put up." His body stood ridged as he spoke. My heart broke as I watched him. Sage was young; too young to be involved in such a heavy burden that he some how managed to carry. Despite the responsibility he would feel after it was all over. I worried that the strain of having death rested on his shoulders was something that should have never been placed there to begin with. But his mind, much like Macallister had seen in me, had already proven to be one of The Third Parties most useful asset. 

The man looked at me before turning back to Macallister. "We have finished installing the speakers. As far as we are aware that the equipment should work; the entire City should be able to hear you." 

I felt a lump in my throat beginning to form. There was not much time. I would be addressing all of those who had ever felt like me; trapped and controlled. I only hoped I could help enough that The Third Party could help them. Help us all. 

"We will radio you in when we get to the Forest." The man said, nodding at us all before taking his leave. 

"You're looking a little ill, Remi." Macallister's hand rested lightly on my arm. I had been listening to the conversation but I had also been stuck within my own thoughts. 

"She needs to eat," Archer came protectively to my side. More words passed but it fell deaf on my ears as I was lead away. 



Four spoon fulls later of mashed potatoes and gravy I came to my senses. What I had previously felt had been panic. I was afraid and I did not want to be. Archer sat with me as he tried to make sure I was alright. I did not feel hungry but I continued to eat so Archer could relax. His hazel eyes had not broken contact. Slowly, I leaned in, planting a light kiss on his cheek. "You need to breath too." 

As if he had actually needed to be reminded, he took a deep breathe. His shoulders rose and fell. I cuddled up to him as much as I could in the presence of other people. Being this close would have normally caused us to receive looks of disapproval. No one knew what would become of the uprising or who would be there to see it. Many of those around us were spending quality time with those they felt closest to. The thoughts of how uncertain it all was made me cling to Archer more. 

"More people are taking to the streets," Archer said, hoping it would make me feel better. "Macallister thinks that we will be able to take over the laboratory that breeds the children."

"And what will we do with all of them? We shut it down but how are we going to take care of five hundred kids?" My body was too tense. I needed to relax. Surely they thought it all through. 

"It's going to be rough at first." Archer admitted. "But we're all hoping it will eventually become like the Forest."

"Families." I let the word play on my lips. The little girl I had saved that had been given a death sentence flashed through my mind. I would have given anything to take her with me. Saving one was more than saving none and, though I pressed the green button, it did not guarantee that they let the baby live. Archer held my hand a little tighter as if he knew what I had been thinking about. 

We were not able to have families. That would be one of the things that The Third Party would have to focus on. We needed control of the lab of creation or there would be no continuation of the City. All of the humans would eventually be solely from the Forest. 

I blushed. Only the night before Archer and I had done something that our people had not done knowingly in generations. 

Too soon our meal was over and I had to get back to Macallister and Sage. My palms were sweating as we made our way. It would be any minute now to give my speech and my chance to move the people. All we waited on was the words from Damon. The panic my message was set to create would be the distraction to get those who were trained in the Forest to us. 

"Take a seat," Macallister gestured for us to sit behind the microphone. Archer would comfort me and help me keep going. My nerves were frying. The pressure was mounting on my shoulders. For several minutes, I watched Macallister pace back and forth. Sage was holding a radio tightly in his hand. 

A noise through the speakers set us all on edge. A small part of us all feared something had gone wrong and that was why it had been taking so long. Suddenly a voice spoke; it was Damon. 

"We are ready." Was all he said. "Over."

"So are we," Sage responded back. "Over." 

"It's time," Macallister looked pointedly at me. My hands shook as I held out my words before me. With a small click of the machine, it was time. 

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