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I played with my hair the next morning, I could not seem to stop, as I sat with Archer, Jericho, and Aaron in Macallister's office as we received an updated of our efforts. Despite the Officer's discoveries of the vandalism, they had not been able to do much about it during the night. At the break of dawn teams with paint had gone out to cover the words. Though they were quick they were not quick enough. Hidden eyes for The Third Party had confirmed that the people had in fact seen the messages though they had remained silent while passing by. Without a doubt, they had also read the papers that had been distributed the same night before, thinking that their government had given them a message only to end up reading the belief of The Third Party.

"We have their attention," Macallister stated. "All of them."

I swallowed. The realization that it had truly begun hit me harder than I had expected it to.  As it were, it was no longer in the hands of The Third Party but in the hands of the people. 

I could not help the thought that was the way it should be. In the hands of the people. 

"This is what it is," Aaron said, drawing me from my personal thoughts. "What are we to do now?" 

"We wait," Macallister sighed. Aaron looked as if this was not what he wanted to hear. "We need to see what they are going to do, on both sides, before we move forward." 

Aaron looked as if he wanted to argue and I was right. "We should keep striking. Take some kind of action-"

"No." The response from Macallister was quick and final. Jericho uncrossed and recrossed her legs as if she felt tense. Archer's eyes were narrowed as he watched the two men speak, clearly analyzing Aaron as I was also doing. "We will wait."

And wait we did. For days.

When we all thought our efforts had been ignored, we were rewarded with both wonderful and awful news from the spies outside our secure building. Smoke began to crowd the City streets as a group, though not large in followers, had begun to set things ablaze. While the Officer's were sidetracked by putting out the scattered flames the group managed to set a work place on fire. Much to Macallister's disappointment they had not thought to clear it first of innocent people. One of the spies had taken it upon themselves to do it for them; allowing everyone to get out with as few injuries as possible. The last thing our side needed was for them to hold a grudge against our group for the deaths of people who had not had any reason to die. Though the group's plan had not been the most organized, it had given a new hope to us all in The Third Party. It was time to re-involve ourselves, though we knew we needed reinforcement as we were still left unsure how many people of the City would join us just yet. 

That is how I ended up teaching a group how to navigate the tunnels to the outskirts of the City and Jericho taught how to read the signs to get to the hidden homes in the Forest. Aaron had been nervous, even against, the plan that Macallister had only revealed when it was truly necessary. If the Forest wanted to join forces with The Third Party for protection, then they would help supply protection. The small group Jericho and I taught would be the ones to lead, one by one, a group of people with them back to our building every night. 

Macalister did not want to send either of us with them for our own safety. He was not willing to risk us though I did not see my value above anyone else's, I complied, but I did not stop going out with groups into the City. 

I found painting my messages and words addicting. Of course, Archer always came with. Though I had only had a reason to go after the Officer's covered up it, again. We never went to the same spot, aware that they might be watching and waiting. 

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