Archer-Short Story

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January 23

Remi's birthday was today, of course I never forgot it. Despite being horribly tired from the days work and training I would keep up the ritual gift I had been giving her for the past five years. She loved the fruits from the garden. Unfortunately, given the fate of having a winter birthday and staying true to what she picked, there was not much to go around in the month of January. What we did have to offer was carefully rationed. I had special authorization though but even if I had not I would have stolen it for her every year anyway. That is probably why Macallister went ahead and approved me for it, because I would do it regardless which is something I learned from Remi so many years ago. 

Macallister had informed me that Remi and I would have to keep our distance for a while so she could become who she was always meant to be; she had agreed after all. In the meantime, I would train to one day be trusted to protect her. For now she would be safe and happy which made accept to staying away. 

But I risked the wrath from my commanders and Marie to see her just one night every year that I held with importance. It would be worth it even if I were caught. I knew Macallister would get me out of it. 

So there I was, in the garden in the middle of the night, holding a basket that seemed to become tinier in my hand every year, collecting an orange, strawberries, and blueberries. I would wait to arrange them for when I could actually see. It was exceptionally dark out and I kept ramming my boots into planters that had been placed on the ground. One of them tipped over and I had to scoop dirt back into it as best I could, hopefully the plant would not die. If Remi could see what a mess I was that moment she would laugh at me until her stomach hurt. Just the thought of her smiling made a shiver run down my spine and I could not wait to deliver her gift though she would be asleep. She was always asleep when I visited. Macallister said it was better that way, for now at least. 

I made my way back to the white house in which she lived now on the second story. Carefully, I climbed the tree that had grown perfectly next to her bedroom window as the basket was tucked to my chest. With the continues training I had gone through over the past five years it was easy to feel the difference over time as far as how easy it had become to climb with one arm almost useless.  I remember the first time I had tried I had nearly fallen at a height that would have severely injured me. Now my boots reached for the limbs of the tree and blanched me as I pulled up with one arm hardly straining above me. Reach. Pull. Balance. Repeat. 

Her window was shut in the cold months, something she never did in the summer, but it was always unlocked. Despite Macallister saying she had know idea I believed there was a part of her that knew it was me visiting her or, at least, left it unlocked so that I would visit her. 

I climbed in softly and shut out the cold again. A small light had been left on leaving the room in a soft orange glow, making the brass bed frame more golden as well as her skin. I set the basket down and arranged the fruit until it looked like a decoration. I wanted to write her a secret birthday wish but I did not have any reason to have paper in my line of work and she did not keep any in her room. Even if she had, it was no where to be found without rummaging through her belongings and I did not have permission from her for that. 

Instead I took the time to crouch next to her bed and look at her. I had slept next to her for half a year before we left the City but I had never had the courage to crawl under the curtain and lay next to her, not the way I had when we had first arrived to this strange tree filled place. That was the last time and I wished every day I could relive that night. Now I looked at her often, always from a distance at meals or in passing, except for this special time I year when I could see her up close as we both aged. Remi looked young, she always had appeared younger than her actual  age, but I could tell she was finally maturing. The City had done well on her genetic make up, almost as if she would stay young forever. 

I brushed the hair form her face, which had grown significantly longer without the trims from the City, and smiled as her face turned to the warmth of my hand. I could have stayed there forever but I knew I had to get going. I had training to wake up for without an option of sleeping in. I knew it was so that I could protect her one day, which was the only reason I was able to force myself to stand to leave. She sighed and cuddled tightly to the pillow beneath her. I pulled the blanket up a little higher so she could stay warm. I would take me time to get back out of the window and shut it causing the wind to rush in and I did not want her to get cold though part of me wished it would cause her to wake up. 

The agreement with Macalister was that I needed to remain quiet and keep it a secret or they would not allow me to see her. 

Bringing her the fruit reminded me of the night I had told her that I would bring the orchard to her one rainy night. Small moments like those kept me sedated but I did not know how much longer I would go without my best friend. 

I made the trek back to where I lived in the barracks with the other future soldiers with my hands in my pockets. I could see my boot prints as I walked through the snow with my hands shoved deep into my pockets until I reached the large building. The heat of the indoors felt good against my chilled skin. 

"You went to see her?" Jericho asked, startling me as she pushed off the wall.

I smiled. "Yeah. I did." 

"What did she say?" She asked. Jericho always asked me questions about Remi, some that I sadly did not know the answer to since we had not been able to truly speak for so long. 

"Nothing. She was sleeping. It's her birthday today." I explained as I continued to walk back to my room. "What are you doing up."

Jericho shrugged. "Couldn't sleep, I guess."

"That's unfortunate," I said. I knew I was going to be extra tired for training, and I did not look forward to it, but at least I had a reason that made me feel good despite it. She was just going to be tired to be tired. 

"You love her?" Jericho asked. That question was a knew one. Love had been talked about frequently as we got older and I finally understood what it meant.

"I think that's what it's called." I winked at her before opening my door and walking inside. 

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