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Self defense. The two words I did not want to hear first thing in the morning after the horrific day before, but it is exactly what I heard. Macallister insisted it was necessary due to, now dead, Gina's lack of will. It proved that no matter how trusted and individual was they would make their own decision in the end. He did not want me suffering the same fate because I had not been taught basic skills that would possibly save my life or someone else's. That is how I ended up back in the training room with Archer, only this time Macallister decided to supervise and Jericho would be present as well. It was embarrassing enough to have one person, Archer, see me fail but it increased with knowing an extra two sets of eyes would be there. 

I stood on a black mat as I prepared myself. It had not felt good the last time and I expected it only to become more difficult due to the sudden change of power and plans. Archer soon joined me. We started with reviewing what I had learned previously, which I was thankful for until I realized I had not learned all that well, and Archer was disappointed with me. My punch was not hard enough to cause any harm or confusion if he had been a real opponent. My kick was even more pitiful considering I could not reach high for it to be useful. 

"Maybe you could just aim for the knees," Archer suggested, trying to make me feel better. "Just kick right into the knee when someone comes at you."

Archer then showed me how to make it look like I was going to attack their face and hit them in the knee instead to catch them off guard.

"And, I don't support this style of fighting, but if your desperate and it is a guy, hit him in his stuff."

My eyes widened and my cheek flushed. "O-okay."

"Not me though. We are not going to practice that." I nodded in agreement. "I would prefer something more gentle than that."

I turned away with embarrassment. I was not willing to have that kind of conversation with so many eyes on us. He seemed to find this amusing as he laughed loudly.My heart thundered in my ears after his suggestive comment, though I did my best to ignore it and move forward with the training. Jericho came down to a separate section of the training area to work with knives. Her presence had begun to intimidate me, causing me to loose focus, as she threw knives at board that was the shape of a person. I was no expert but I was sure she hit every target she set her mind to. A knife when through the part of the board that would have been someones head and I swallowed hard. I quickly looked away as she turned around only to see that Archer had been watching too. I knew, in that moment, that they were making eye contact. I felt my insides boil as they noticed each other, no doubt that Archer had been admiring her skill.

I cleared my throat.

"Oh, sorry," Archer said as he turned back. I knew my face was red but it seemed he barely noticed. "Let's try that punch again."

"Sure." I took my stance as he held up two hands covered by shock absorbing gloves. I punched them as hard as I could, taking all of the anger and shoving it to my fists. Archer encouraged me, not realizing why my power had increased, and started to make it more difficult on me. My anger made me clumsy and I missed several times as he shifted as an actual opponent would during a fight. I dodged, swung, and repeated. 

I made my final swing as he moved the gloves. It was too late for Archer to realize that he had made a mistake as my fist hit him in the cheek. "Remi!"

"I am so sorry!" I said as he held his face. "I was going for the gloves!"

Archer groaned a little; he had not been prepared to be hit. "It's okay. That was actually a good hit so I can't be mad at you."

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