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The next morning Macallister instructed Archer to take me to lowest floor of the building to train me as he had been trained in the forest. Now that we had lost Jericho he said it was important for me to know how to defend myself. Those two together were supposed to protect me. Having only one was too much of a risk. I met him downstairs.

It was long room. Black mats covered the floor. It was a much larger space than I had anticipated. There was a gun shooting range in the back. I hoped they would not make me fire one.

"If you are looking to use one of those you have a while to go before I let you touch one," Archer looked over his shoulder at the rack that held the automatic weapons.

"I was just thinking about how I did not want to touch one of those," I corrected him.

"You will eventually," he chuckled. "But lets focus on the basics for now."

We worked on my stance for correct balance. I stood. He pushed my arm. I fell over.

"You're have as much balance as a one legged chair," he teased. 

"Or you're just a lot heavier than me so you can push me over easily," I suggested. He shook his head at me.

"They are not going to be your size out their." He gestured to me.  I was extremely skinny. I had been built smaller than the majority of the genetically altered people of the city. It had probably been a mistake on their part. "Try again."

He pushed me. I lost my balance but barely. 

"Make a fist," he said. He held up his palm. "Aim."

I made a fist. I aimed. And I hurt my thumb as it jammed into his palm. I hissed as I cradled it in my other hand. I tried to shake the pain off. I had not been expecting it.

"You're supposed to curl your thumb, not have it stick out."

"You couldn't have said that before?" I smacked at his chest.

"You learn from you own mistakes better than if someone told you," he laughed. "I bet you won't do it again."

"What, smack you?" I teased as I swatted him in the chest again.

"That is not what I was talking about," he said. "But I wouldn't do that again if I were you. I am trained after all. The best of the best."

"Yes, but I am Remi." I flexed my skinny arms as if I had anything to show. "And I can do anything."

I made the mistake of hitting his chest again. He took me down before I even had the chance to blink. He, of course, did it much more gently than if I had been an actual opponent. I tried to wiggle from of his hold but it was no use. He had me and there was nothing I could do.

"Okay," I gasped as I attempted to sit up again. My back was against his chest. I could feel his heart beat. It was fast. His breaths pushed me up and down as he laughed. "I give up."

"You never give up," he said. "There is a way out of this."

"You're too much," I pulled at his arms some more.

"And to think I am taking it easy on you." He let me go. I stood up with a huff and brushed myself off. "It will get easier." 

I could not imagine being able to over power someone like Archer. I could not even over power him when he was not even trying. I stared down at the black mats with disappointment as if they were going to give me all of the answers.

"I don't see me being able to do the things Jericho could," I sighed. 

"You will. You have me, remember? You have the best of the best right now," he pulled me in for a hug. I had not received many in my life and it was a strange feeling. Once again I could feel Archer's heart beating. Something about knowing that we were alive was comforting. "And I am here to protect you."

I kept trying. I got the first punch down. I was able to throw one from each hand not long after that. I felt accomplished but they were only small moves. Archer would not let me move onto something new until I mastered the first moves. He taught me several combinations. My knuckles began to hurt as we continued. My arms felt tired and sore. I grunted with every punch; it was hard to catch my breath. Archer encouraged me to keep pushing forward. He started to pretend throw punches at me to dodge as if he were the enemy. He caught me several times on the face and neck. He did not throw hard for the training but once it made contact too many times I could feel the toll it was going to take on my body. No doubt I would have bruises. 

He got me a drink of water and had me sit on the mat. He sat down next to me.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

"Do you mean physically or emotionally right now?" I took a sip.


"I feel good about what I have accomplished. My body hurts." Archer laughed. 

"I guess I forgot to tell you that it would." I shrugged as he continued to chuckle. He looked at my bruises. He said they were small and that he was sorry. I understood the training was necessary. They showed my progress. The less of them I would have the better I would be. 

"Fighting is simple if you just let go," he said. "You have to be angry but also calm. Try thinking about things that make you relaxed; but, you also have to stay angry enough to have the will to cause harm."

I nodded. I did not fully understand how one would feel two emotions at the same time. Clearly he felt that it was the key to mastering his techniques. 

"What did you think about while training" He pursed his lips. His top lip was fuller than his bottom. I turned away, embarrassed that I had been starring. "You don't have to tell me that." 

"I thought about you," he said after a moment. I froze. Me?

"I make you angry?" I felt hurt. He shook his head. I had gotten it wrong.

"No," he held my hand. "You make me calm. But, being separated from you during those times in the forest made me angry. Macallister told me I had to stay away. I did what I could to let you know I was still there but he warned me to keep my distance. Marie wanted you to be secluded." 

"I had missed you," I admitted. "I thought you had forgotten about me. Replaced me even."

"How could I replace the girl who gave me my identity," he leaned towards me. His forehead rested against mine. "Remi?"


"I promise I will never stay away again. We are going to do this together." 

I closed my eyes. My heart was beating hard. My breath caught in my throat. I was nervous. I had never kissed anyone before but I had seen it done and I felt like Archer was waiting for me. 

My lips touched his. They were warm and soft. It felt like I was floating around without anything holding me down accept for his arms around me. His hand held my ponytail tightly as if I were going to try and get away. I had to catch my breath. It felt like I had just finished training all over again.

"I would like that," I gasped. 

"Me too," he smiled at me. "We should go shower. We're both covered in sweat from earlier."

I agreed. He helped me up.

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