Alternate Ending

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-Starting off after Remi stabs one of the men-

I could not see Archer die. I would not. The man looked towards Aaron for more direction. I searched Jericho's eyes in the hope she would at least save him. Her hand held the gun that had originally been Archer tighter in her hand. Aaron did not notice the shift in her body as she watched scene unfold. Her mouth sat in a thin, tight line as she meet my eyes. Aron let out a whistle.

"Oh, Remi." He chided. "You just stabbed a man. That wasn't very like you."

"You don't know me," I snapped.

"I've been getting enough updates to know," he glanced at Jericho before returning back to me. "You've taken me by surprise, I must admit. Though, I think your weakness is now apparent."

I glared at him, knife still gripped in my hand. My chest rising and falling. Archer, still on his knees, was gasping for air. He too was looking at Jericho for help but I doubted she would give it. She had betrayed us.

"Kill them, Damion" Aaron said simply to the bearded man. He took a step back. "Outside for the people to see."

"No!" I shouted loud enough my throat burned. 

Archer was yanked to his feet. Aaron took the gun from Jericho, who's face had contorted into horror, and pointed it at me. "Go." 

I followed his orders, marching behind Damion and Archer. I could hear Jericho shouting after Aaron. Archer was to live, he had promised, and I was to die. My stomach twisted into knots. Jericho was a traitor. 

Outside it had begun to rain lightly. The sky was bleak and grey. The war still raged on. Many had come into the gates before the Hall of Knowledge. 

"Keep your hands behind your back and get down," Aaron said slyly. I obeyed. Archer knelt beside me. My short hair was sticking to my face as moister soaked my body. It was no longer sweat dripping form Archer forehead but instead rain. It was as if we were being washed clean. 

Even as Archer and I knelt on the stone steps to our death I smiled. We had completed our mission. Citizens were riled up. An army had been created. We had done everything we could at that point. We would face death but our cause would rage on. And that was the beauty. Because even though my life was ending, the government wouldn't be able to put out the fire I had started. I would live on. Aaron would not be able to control the people who knew control all too well, better than he would ever know. They had been afraid to act but had known it was not right the whole time. They would never be controlled again as long as they lived. He would fail. 

"I love you, Remi." Archer whispered next to me.

"I love you too."

Shots fired-

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