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The morning alarm went off and I hurried out of bed despite my lack of sleep. I dressed in my uniform of a grey skirt and a tucked in blue sweater. Behind the curtain I could hear Archer doing the same. We appeared from our rooms to be inspected by the dark haired hall Officer. He was already making his way down, checking uniforms and beds. He smiled as he reached us which I found odd. Normally he only smiled at me not at Archer. 

"Hello, 4313," he said in his silky voice. 

"Hello, Officer," Archer greeted. I could tell he flinched a little at his number. 

"Everything is spotlessly perfect for you as usual," the Officer said. Archer and I shared a quick glance. 

"And good morning, 4522," he smiled cheerfully. "I assume you slept well?"

"Of course, Officer," I said. My voice was threatening to shake. Did he know that I often went to the library at night? I tried to put the panic aside.

"Have a good day," the Officer said, looking at my uniform one last time. I glanced at Archer only to find him looking off to the other end of the hallway. Two boys were saying things to each other in tones that were the opposite of friendly and controlled. It sounded almost like they were going to fight. Our hall Office dismissed us for breakfast and ran down to the two boys who looked like they were going to rip out the others throat. 

I walked with Archer in silence. 

"That was strange," I said to Archer.

"Extremely," he agreed as we collected our food. "He's very interested in you. Do you think he knows?"

"Not just me but apparently you too now." I glanced around to make sure no one was in hearing distance. "And if he did know he should have told already. I would be dead."

"I suppose you are right. So about these things you have been reading. You promised you would share them with me."

"It's going to take longer than a single meal."

"I'm not going anywhere," he smiled.

So I shared my new adventures. I told him about The Lost Princess and the brave story of Remi and Archer. Halfway through  sharing it was time to go to class and we parted ways reluctantly. I promised Archer I would share more with him later. He said he wished he could read it for himself. I promised I would continue to tell him everything as long as he told no one.



At class everyone sat down as usual but the teacher did not start teaching. Instead she stood off to the side waiting with her hands clenching tightly together. In walked the Officer with the pale skin and dark hair.

"Good morning," he said in his silky voice.

"Good morning," said the rest of us said in unison.

"Today a few of you will be tested instead of taking your lessons today." Some students looked around each other in confusion. I continued to look at the Officer. He paced around.

"A selected few of you have been chosen to take special classes. A few of you have shown special skills."

"But Officer," the teacher interrupted. "Since when is this legal? We are all supposed to be treated equal. We are all supposed to take the same classes."

"Sometimes," he said smoothly. "Things change."

The teacher nearly choked at the word change. I, however, recognized it. While she heard danger and the word illegal I heard the word freedom. Change was a word that had been used often in the dystopian novel or Remi and Archer.

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