Chapter 17 - Guy's Wigs

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Chapter 17 – Guy Wigs

Hinata's POV

I had no choice but to show Naruto what I have been hiding my whole life. The pain and bruises that I had received from my father are placed on my back...I turned so my back could face him, so Naruto could see what I have been receiving every single day. I trembled, fearing that he would get angry and decide to go fight my father. When he can't, because I know he'll lose...

He didn't say a word. I couldn't see his expression because I was turned away from him. The silence was really uncomfortable.

I felt his fingers touch the small of my back.

"Hinata..." Naruto's voice sounded different than before. I tried to search what tone he was using- but I know it wasn't anger, or worry.

I turned to look at him. Naruto had his head down. I heard a sob. That's when I realized: Naruto was crying.

In the years I've known him, Naruto-kun never cried. Or at least, I've never seen him cry. But there he was, sitting next to me, silently crying.

My eyes focused on his hands, which were now balled up into fists. Normally that would mean he was going to get revenge, or maybe attack someone. But something told me, that seeing him like this meant that he wasn't going to do that. It looks like he had given up in defeat.

"N-naruto?" I whispered. I placed my hands on his chin. It was wet with tears, but slowly I raised it up so he could face me.

"I'll get him." He whispered. His blue eyes locking with mine. "I'll make him pay."

My heart skipped a beat. I was wrong. Is he talking about my father?

"You don't mean that Naruto." I said slowly.

"I mean it Hinata." He wiped his tears and then looked back at me. "I promise. I'll never go back on my word."

I sighed and gently layed his head down onto my lap. He looked up at me, as I played with his hair.

"Naruto, I care about you." I said. "And because of that, I don't want you to get hurt because of my father."

"Hinata, he hurt you! Don't you want him to pay, and suffer the consequences of treating you this way?" I thought about it. My father did deserve to be punished. After all, I wasn't the only victim. There was my sister, Ko, and my cousin Neji.

"Yes, but. Not by fighting." I forced a smile at him. "Anyways, he hasn't hurt me anymore ever since you left." I lied. He stared at me hard.

He knew I was lying.

Which means, he'll still try to get revenge.

Sakura's POV

After Kakashi had finally succeeded taking Guy sensei out of his car, we took him to his home. Guy sensei lived alone though, which I think is very strange. Surely, he has people who love him, like his mother and father? Unless they died...? But even so, he's around his 30s or 40s and yet he doesn't have a wife either. I guess he just has bad luck on girl's maybe? Poor Guy sensei.

I watch as Kakashi takes Guy sensei to his room.

Surely Kakashi doesn't have that same problem. I'm pretty sure he has many girls after him, including teachers, friends of his, and or others. I wonder when he was young, did he have many girlfriends? As I recall, Rin had been his gf, and I could tell Kakashi used to love her very much because they were together for a long time. But she cheated on him, and he was crushed. So does that mean he didn't really date much...?

I feel really lucky now. Of all people, he chose me. He chose to love me.

And I'm a student of his!

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