Chapter 22 - Decisions

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Chapter 22 - Decisions

Sakura's POV

I'm pretty sure if I was like I was back then--the girl who had the perfect life with the perfect boyfriend--I would've forgave Sasuke and decided to be with him again as if nothing ever happened. Most girls at my school are like that, they would risk anything in order to get the image they wanted. Especially now, after seeing the way Sasuke was acting, I wouldn't have been able to say no to him. No girl would be able to refuse his act of sweetness.

But I'm not that type of girl.

At least, not anymore.

I pushed the bracelet away.

"I respect that you still like me Sasuke. But I've moved on." I looked away from him. "I agree, we did have a good relationship, but you threw that away when you kissed Karin back." I looked back at him. "And now I love someone else, and you can't change that. No matter what you do, my heart will always belong to Kakashi Hatake."

My words seem to surprise Sasuke, since he just stared at me for a few seconds and didn't say anything. He stared at me carefully. I stared back at him.

"Are you sure about that?" he finally said.


"Are you sure that I can't make you change your mind?"

I sighed. "I am. I'm sorry, Sasuke. But that's the truth." I admit, it did hurt to say this to him. Even after what he did, he was still my first love. We had great times together that at one point, I even pictured that one day Sasuke and I were going to get married. But that all faded the moment I saw him in the arms of another girl. If there is one thing I detest, it's cheating.

After hearing that, Sasuke got off me. He stood beside me and looked at me in my condition. I couldn't tell if he was hurt, or if he was angry. I couldn't read his expression at all.


Sasuke reached for his pocket and took out his phone.

"I hate to do this, but you give me no choice."

"Huh? What are you talking about...?" I said, unsure. Is he going to fight Kakashi again?! I can't let him, Kakashi doesn't-

"If you're not going to be with me, then fine. I'll leave you alone after I post this picture online right now and in a few seconds the whole school will know about you and Mr. Hatake, as well as the principal and the police."

He revealed a picture of me and Kakashi kissing when we were wearing Guy wigs.

My eyes widened as I stared at it in fear.

"H-how did you..."

"Simple. I saw you two, and I followed. Really, you guys need to work on disguises. You can't fool me." he smirked. So he knew...he knew about me and Kakashi, and now he's going to ruin us.

My heart began to race. If he posts it...we'll be discovered. The whole school would know, the principal, my family, Kakashi's family, and even worse, the police.

Kakashi's career would be ruined. Everything he worked for would be finished because they would take him away. Kakashi and I won't be together because he will be gone...

All because of me.

If only Kakashi and I would've waited until I was of age...

Then Sasuke wouldn't have proof against us...

I hate this.

"What the hell Sasuke? Why can't you just leave me and Kakashi alone!?" I snapped at him suddenly. Sasuke glared at me.

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