Chapter 18 - Once More Couldn't Hurt

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Chapter 18 – Once More Couldn't Hurt

Naruto POV

Dear Mr. Uzumaki,

You have qualified for the Konoha Scholarship Program. We noticed your grades have tremendously improved, and because of a recommendation from your professor, it's been arranged that you will receive a scholarship. That's if, you maintain your grades to a steady A-B range, and attend school on a daily basis. If you fail to do any of this, you'll be put on probation, which could possibly take away your scholarship for good. We trust you will make the correct decision in this matter. For more information on what scholarship you have been selected, please contact your professor. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

Yours Truly, Konoha Team

I seriously couldn't believe my eyes. How in the world, did I earn a scholarship?! I barely have good grades! it because Hinata helped me? Did my grades improve that much? No. It couldn't be that...or could it?

But it also says 'from your professor'. What Professor? Guy Sensei? Or Perhaps, Mr. Hatake? I need to ask...I need to found out! My head is spinning, but maybe with this scholarship, I can become something big! Maybe an Anbu Patrol (I heard those people are very mysterious and cool) or a Ninja! (I heard that's a tough job though).

When I was younger, I used to always believe being the Hokage is the most awesome job you could ever have. I still do, actually. I used to say I wanted to become the Hokage. It was a dream of mine. The Hokage was the one in charge of the village; they always went to special meetings with other Hokage's and did many important tasks. I admire the time, and dedication they have toward keeping the village and people safe. Maybe I could actually achieve my dream...this scholarship could be a start.

HINATA!! I need to tell Hinata! She would definitely be happy for me, I just know it!!

A knock was heard on my door. Is that Hinata!? Great timing!

Hurriedly, I swing open the door and wrapped my arms over Hinata's waist.

"Hinata, I missed you! You won't believe the news I just got!"

She chuckled. "Well, it's nice to have a warm welcome, even if it wasn't exactly for me. Also, kid, you're touching my private spot."

That voice was definitely not Hinata.

I opened my eyes to see, a long white haired man wearing a green short shirt kimono and matching pants. He had red lines under his eyes, a familiar face I knew too well. My jaw dropped.


"Oh great, the name stuck. Hold on, I'm not even your Grandpa, Naruto." Pervy sage said.

He wasn't. After my family had died, he took me in as my guardian; since he was a really close friend of my Dad. His real name is Jiraiya. He used to be a ninja, but now works under the Hokage's orders. You could say he's an important type of guy, since he makes sure the Hokage is safe, transports him to other places, completes important missions, and can easily get anything he wants in this village.

But under all that important stuff...he's secretly a pervert.

"You almost are!" I replied. "You're getting old ya know!"

"Why you disrespectful little brat!" Pervy sage walked inside my apartment. I followed him. "I'm still young, if you must know. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have ladies calling my phone every day, at almost every hour."

"Why do they call? To see if you're available as a chauffeur?" I teased.

"No! Of course not!" He said. "They actually wanted to know if my friend Orochimaru was available...but hey! They called me for that, so that's a good sign!"

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