Chapter 24 - Pageant?

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Chapter 24 - Pageant?

A week later.

Sakura's POV

It's been a week full of torture and unhappiness for me.  A week since I last saw Kakashi--or Mr. Hatake-- at the hospital. I've been coming to class like normal, but I haven't seen him. Since he wasn't around, I was sent to do work at the school library with other students.

I can't help but miss him. I miss having his arms around me. I miss him kissing me. I miss his scent. I miss everything of him. Nothing has been the same ever since I destroyed our relationship.

But where could he be?

Stop it Sakura. You need to stop thinking about him... it will only cause you more pain.

But I can't. Those words I told him have been haunting me this past week. They hurt him just as they hurt me. No, actually it hurts me worse. I'm the one who messed things up.

I don't know what he's been doing, I don't know what's happened to him. I'm super worried and hoping he's ok. If only I could go to his home to check up on him. But with Sasuke watching my every move, it will never work. And I'm sure Kakashi doesn't want to see me either.

There's nothing I can do. Nothing that will make things better...

Hinata also hasn't been to class in a while too. Maybe she's still keeping track with all her clan meetings? I'm worried about her as well.

I noticed Naruto has been avoiding me and everyone ever since Hinata stopped coming.

And Ino is still hanging out with Karin while ignoring me.

And me? I'm destroyed inside.

I hate my life.


After school I went past Kakashi's classroom and stopped at the door. I couldn't help but remember the naughty things we did in there. When he kissed me deeply and ran his hands on my thighs... when he took me in his closet so we could have some more privacy...

It almost seemed like it was a dream.

"Sakura Haruno!" Temari appeared behind me and I jumped.

"Ah, hi Temari!" I said, snapping out of my thoughts and remembering that she was Shikamaru's girlfriend.

"What you doing here? You did know that Mr. Hatake hasn't been here all week right?"

"Um yeah. I heard." I said a bit quickly. "I wonder why?"

Temari smirked. "Between you and me, I  heard it was because he got heartbroken by some girl that rejected him."

I sweatdropped."O-oh... well poor him, he doesn't deserve that!"

"Yeah, it wasn't just any girl though, it was a student here in Konoha! Crazy right?"

I felt like running away. "Definitely! That's really crazy..."

"Right? But I don't blame her. The guy is such a babe!! Like, who in their right mind would break up with him? Pfft, if I wasn't dating Shika, I'd totally go for him!"

"Good to know..."

"Well anyway, I wanted to invite you to something Sakura!" Temari took out an envelope from her purse. "It's an invitation to Konoha High's Beauty Pageant Competition. This was an old tradition the school had 13 years go, but then they disbanded it for some reason. However, this year they decided to bring it back. These are the requirements, which I'm sure you qualify for. I would like it if you participated, it will be a lot of fun!" Temari said, smiling.

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