Chapter 25 - Drunk Kakashi

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Chapter 25 - Drunk Kakashi 

Sakura's POV

Dinner was awkward. Hinata was relieved that I was here because now she wasn't alone with the two Uchihas. Which I understand, because it's bad enough to have to deal with one Uchiha, but two? No, thank you.

But yet, I had dinner with them, anyway.

Hinata glanced at me and gave me a smile, her eyes asking if I'm okay with this. She knows I had broken up with Sasuke, and that I love Kakashi. But what she doesn't know is that I'm back with Sasuke. I haven't had the chance to explain everything to her.

Still, I smiled back, assuring her I'm fine.  

"Lady Hinata, could you please pass the salt?" Itachi said, smiling at her. I glanced at him. He's so kind and caring, and not to mention handsome. I'm almost gawking at how much more attractive and better person he is than Sasuke. He's like, the total opposite of his younger brother. 

I can't help but be surprised that Hinata is marrying him so sudden. What about her relationship with Naruto? I'm guessing it didn't work out. Poor Naruto, when he hears about this his heart will be crushed, that is, unless he already knows that she's marrying the Uchiha.

Hmm, I wonder if Itachi's a cheater too. 

"H-hai of course, Itachi-san." Hinata gently passed him the salt, which he took and sprinkled over his food. Then he gave it to Sasuke, who shook his head no. Itachi was a much more gentleman than Sasuke could ever be.

"So you two are friends?" Itachi asked. 

"Best friends." I corrected.

"Oh, you never told me that, Hinata." he looked at her.

" never came up."

"Hn, and you never told me you were going to marry a girl my age, Itachi." Sasuke said. He looked like he was annoyed. Could it be that he also doesn't agree with Hinata marrying him?

"What's wrong with that, Sasuke?"

"Everything." he glared at him. Itachi chuckled.

"Well, in my opinion age doesn't matter." Itachi told him. "What matters is the bond you have with the person you love. If you think you have what it takes to make the other person happy, go for it. If anyone tries to stop you from being with that person, you shouldn't let that happen by any means, because that can ruin your happiness, and who knows if you'll ever have that feeling again." Itachi grabbed Hinata's hand. "There are lots of many benefits for me marrying Hinata. For one, we can learn a lot from each other and grow as a couple."

That sounds like me and Kakashi... except, I let myself be manipulated. I let others convince me to dump him... I'm an idiot.

Sasuke rolled his eyes, while I nodded and liked Itachi's way of thinking.

Hinata smiled at Itachi, but I could see the sorrow in her eyes. She doesn't love him, she loves Naruto.

"Whatever," Sasuke said, then looked at me. "I'm happy with my girl though."

I looked away and poked at my food.

"Sakura." Sasuke's voice snapped me from my thoughts. I looked at him. Sure, he's still the most handsome guy from my school, but honestly, I hate him. 

It's his fault Kakashi is not with me anymore.

It's all your fault, Sasuke Uchiha.  

"Yes?" I fake smiled. He raised his eyebrow. I suddenly get the strange feeling he's reading my mind.

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