A very important and informative authors note

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Did you miss me?

Hello lovelies, it has been too long!

I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to update. Writing the latest Sherlock books have honestly been some of the best experiences of writing in my life. Not because they were amazing, because in all fairness they were far from it and they could have done with a lot more work and editing. But it's because of you. You all gave me the motivation to write and to believe in myself, and your comments truly make my days. They made me laugh and smile, and for that I am thankful.

So, after making a decision, I'm going to start writing my Sherlock books again. However, I honestly have zero muse to continue the series I have already started. When I began writing those stories I was young and I didn't plan them out very well. So now I'd like to take the time to plan a completely new Sherlock fanfiction; a fresh start.

I'm aware that I've left my old story on a cliffhanger (I'm so sorry). But I've already started to plan out a new one, and I think you'll really like it. It's set back in season one where Sherlock and my own, original character have already known each other as children since they grew up together as kids.

The feedback I've been getting, saying that 'it was the best Sherlock fanfiction they've read' means so much to me, and I hope you can give me a chance to write a new and improved story! I hope this is okay with everyone. It will still be a romance, but hopefully with some more character development! I'm really looking forward to this, and I hope all of you are too. I will be publishing the first chapter pretty soon, so keep an eye out!

So without further ado, may I introduce 'Human Error', my next Sherlock story!

- KP

Human Error -  Sherlock Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें