Chapter six - 221C

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"Right this way." The elderly lady spoke, leading me towards apartment two-hundred and twenty-one c. I followed in suit. "Sherlock had a look at this one too when he first came to see about his flat. I don't blame him for not choosing it; the damp probably put him off."

I could tell she was trying to be nice and make conversation, but all this talk about damp walls were putting me off it too. Finally, she opened the door. I gave her a small smile before stepping inside, glancing around the first room I came across before walking into the living room.

"As you can see it's not the best. I can't get anyone interested in it, if I'm honest. So for that I'll cut down some of the rent. Is a hundred and sixty pounds a week okay, dear?" She offered, and I paused for a moment as I took everything in. There was black mould on the walls, but other than that it seemed like a pretty nice apartment. It just needed a desperate make-over.

"That's fine, Mrs Hudson." I replied. Most of the flats I had been looking at were over two hundred. So I was definitely getting this cheap. All I had to do now was wait to hear back from anyone who got handed my CV. "I would love to live here. But I have to get a job first."

"Okay then. Well I'll save this apartment for you, not that anybody will be jumping up to get it anyway." She chuckled.

"Thank you." I turned to face her with a smile. "This really means a lot."

"Oh don't worry about it love! Any friend of Sherlock's is a friend of mine!" She responded, earning a light chortle from me. I looked around my soon-to-be flat, going into the bedroom that was near the kitchen, which was useful. I opened the door and took a look inside, and it seemed pretty roomy. I could definitely fit a double bed in here and a couple of draws. After looking around we decided to leave. She locked the door behind us again and made our way to the main hall, to which Sherlock was making his way down the stairs.

"Any good?" He wondered, reaching the bottom of the stairs. I nodded.

"It's great -- besides the damp, that is."

"When will you be moving in?"

"When I get a job."

Sherlock narrowed his eyes, "I thought you mentioned that you were leaving that hotel Sunday. Which is tomorrow, may I add."

"I will. No worries, I'll just find a cheaper hotel to stay in." I shrugged.

"Nonsense. I'm sure Sherlock will let you stay for a while. Right?" Mrs Hudson asked, looking at Sherlock. Sherlock hesitated for a moment but nodded his head.


"Oh, I don't want to be a bother..." I trailed off, shaking my head.

"You won't be. Plus it'll only be until you get a job. I know it can be difficult to find yourself a job in London but I'm sure with your qualifications and experience you'll get a place quickly. That and I could have a word with someone who owes me a favour. You won't be bothering us, it's the least I can do for a friend." Sherlock told me, "You can sleep in my bed. I'll take the sofa. I heard that's a polite thing to do for a guest."

I couldn't help but smile at his kindness, which didn't show up often. "Thank you." I began, not bothering to decline the offer. I could hardly afford to stay in another hotel, so he'd be doing me a massive favour. "But I get the sofa."

"But I just offered?"

"I'm not kicking you out of your bed, Sherlock. And that's that." I folded my arms.

"I forgot you were stubborn," Sherlock responded. "Fine. It doesn't bother me."

At that, the front door opened and the familiar middle-aged man strolled in, carrying a white plastic bag with some groceries in. He stopped when he saw me and smiled. "Ella!"

"John." I greeted. He looked between Sherlock, me, Mrs Hudson, then back to me.

"What's going on?"

"Eleanor will be staying with us." Sherlock answered nonchalantly.

"Oh... Why?" He asked, his brows knitting together with confusion. "Not that I'm not pleased. But... Why?"

"I can't afford to stay in any more hotels, and I can't move into my new apartment until I get a job. So..." I shrugged softly, and John just stared at us blankly as he tried to comprehend the news.

"Alrighty then." He just agreed to it, straightening his posture, "Does anyone want a cup of tea?"

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