Chapter two - it's a drugs bust!

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Finally, we all came to a halt when we entered a building of what appeared to be the entrance to some flats. We walked along the hallway, breathing heavily from the running session we just endured a couple of streets down. John took off his jacket and hung it on a hook on the wall whilst Sherlock just draped his coat over the bottom on the bannister. So automatically I just assumed that this is where they live.

"Okay, that what ridiculous." John started, still trying to catch his breath as he leaned against the wall, "That was the most ridiculous thing I've ever done."

"And you invaded Afghanistan."

At Sherlock's comment, John began to giggle adorably, causing me and Sherlock to laugh too. I was learning more about these boys every second I was with them. They were still complete strangers to me but I was oddly comfortable.

"So, I take it this is where you live?" I finally chirped in, glancing at Sherlock.

"Yeah, it's not much but it's big enough for my work." He told me, his fast breathes coming to an end once he had calmed down. "Why did you follow us?"

"You told me to."

"But you didn't need to follow. We're just complete strangers to you."

"Not complete strangers." I responded, a small smile tugging on my lips. Sherlock plastered a warm smile too, until John decided to speak up.

"Why aren't we back at the restaurant?"

"Restaurant?" I wondered again. "Hold up -- you both live together, both help each other solve crimes and now you're eating out in restaurants? Is there something I'm missing here?"

"Oh -- no, we're... we're not together." John stammered. Sherlock's tone became more serious and he waved his hand dismissively.

"We're not together. As for the restaurant, they can keep an eye out. It was a long shot anyway."

"So what were we doing there?" John asked. Sherlock cleared his throat.

"Oh, just passing the time." He answered, looking at John. "And proving a point."

"What point?"

"You." Sherlock said. I raised my brows, already growing confused again. But I waited, knowing it would be clear to me soon. Sherlock turned towards the ground floor flat. "Mrs Hudson! Doctor Watson will take the room upstairs!"

"Says who?"

"Says the man at the door." Sherlock replied, looking towards the front door. Me and John turned our heads in direction at the front door just as someone knocks on it three times. John glanced back at him in surprise before he walked along the hall to answer the door. Sherlock leaned his head against the wall again, blowing out a breath.

"What's that about?" I asked, leaning against the wall too.

"John uses a cane to walk from an intermittent tremor in his hand from a war wound -- again, a story for another time." He met my eyes and they stayed there for a moment. He obviously wasn't about to go into detail about any of this stuff tonight, despite me running back to his place like a mad woman. But by the look he gave me it meant that it would be for another time and place, and we had a hell of a lot to catch up on.

Just as I heard the front door shut, an older woman came out of her flat below and hurried over to us. "Sherlock, what have you done?" She asked, sounding rather upset and close to tears as she spoke. I instantly become curious and anxious, especially when Sherlock seemed like he didn't know what is wrong either. He seemed so confident until now.

"Mrs Hudson?" He asked, confused about what she was talking about. She nodded her head towards the stairs.

At that, Sherlock turned and hurried up the stairs, me and John following him. Sherlock opened the living room door before making his way inside. I noticed a man with brown hair with hints of light grey mixed with them who looked like he was in his late forties sitting in an armchair, facing the door. Not just that, but there are a load of other police officers who are going through Sherlock's and John's possessions. Sherlock clenched his fists before storming over to the man who had already made himself at home by sitting in his worn-out chair.

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