Chapter sixteen - It was fun, he said

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Once we made it back to Sherlock's and John's untidy apartment, I took off my coat and hung it on a peg. "Maybe I should call him." I continued, not feeling entirely comfortable with leaving John behind. I classed him as my friend, I didn't want to have any unwanted arguments or bad tension with him.

"He'll be fine, Eleanor." Sherlock said wearily, tired of my endless attempts to offer John some help. I didn't need Sherlock's approval to give John a call. In all fairness, the only reason I kept bothering Sherlock about it was because I felt guilty for leaving him behind and I needed reassurance that he would be okay. There was no going back now.

Well, I could go to the station but ain't nobody got time for that.

Sherlock opens up his laptop, "I'm going to print off some pictograms."

"Good for you." I mumbled, taking a seat on the couch. It's quiet for a short moment, and I noticed that the sounds of Sherlock typing on his laptop had stopped. I raise my head, and to my surprise Sherlock is staring. "What?"

"What's wrong?"


He gave me a look, one that showed he obviously didn't believe me. "Is it because you're bored?"


"Yes it is. Me and John are working on this case and you're affirming that you don't want to be involved because you don't want to get into trouble." Sherlock stated, removing his hands from the keypad on his laptop. "Why are you being like this? You never used to cower out, especially when things started to get interesting. When did you start being afraid to get into a little trouble?"

"Yeah, when we were kids it was fun to solve puzzles and get into trouble and whatever. But now I want to get my life right. I want to work, I want to live in London. I want to start writing again. I can't afford to mess things up."

"But that's boring." Sherlock said, and I just scoffed. He quickly spoke up again to support his argument. "You can help me on a case and work, and write. And live here. So the problem with you avoiding this is obviously me."

"Or maybe crime solving isn't really my thing?"

"Of course it is. They're just like puzzles, just like what we used to solve. Remember the case with Mr Flemming?"

"We helped him find his stolen car, Sherlock." I sighed, "It wasn't like his wife got murdered or anything."

"Exactly, it's more fun." He responded, as if it was rational. I furrowed my brows at the male.

"I think your definition of fun varies from mine."

"Oh, come on Eleanor. I know you'd love to be apart of these cases, they'll provide some excellent muse for your writings."

"Why do you want me to be involved so much?" I asked, not really understanding why I needed to apart of it. It's not like this will be our only chance to hang out, plus Sherlock is intelligent enough to solve whatever case that gets thrown at him by himself.

Sherlock finally went silent, and I stared back at him impatiently while I waited for him to answer. He parted his lips as he went to say something, but nothing came out. He closed them again as if he scratched whatever he was going to say.

"What, Sherlock? Spit it out." I couldn't help but to sound harsh. But Sherlock constantly trying to figure out my reasons for everything I decide was growing to be quite irritating.

"I miss you." He told me quietly, and it seemed so uncharacteristically for such words to fall out of his cupid-bow lips that I wasn't really sure if he meant them or not. "I miss us. We were a great team, you and I."

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